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15_Abhidhamma.mp3Can concentration be developed by following the movement of the abdomen or the breath?618 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.Nov 11, 2013

14_Abhidhamma.mp3Should one study Abhidhamma before meditating or vice versa?562 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.Nov 11, 2013

13_Abhidhamma.mp3Why is non-human existence not recollected in past life regression?563 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.Nov 11, 2013

12_Abhidhamma.mp3Is it possible nowadays for a lay person to become a sotapanna?604 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.Nov 11, 2013

11_Abhidhamma.mp3Was Siddhattha Gotama a prince?622 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.Nov 11, 2013

10_Abhidhamma.mp3Was Gotama Buddha Bald?758 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.Nov 11, 2013

09_Abhidhamma.mp3Conclusion: Abhidhamma as a Useful but Limited Model of Reality.772 viewsEnquiring into the origins, purpose and limitations of the Abhidhamma.Nov 11, 2013

08_Abhidhamma.mp3Usage of "Bodhisattava" and Absence of "Parami" in Early Pali Scriptures757 viewsEnquiring into the origins, purpose and limitations of the Abhidhamma.Nov 11, 2013

07_Abhidhamma.mp3Origins of Mahayana Concepts in Late Pali Scriptures788 viewsEnquiring into the origins, purpose and limitations of the Abhidhamma.Nov 11, 2013

06_Abhidhamma.mp3Legendary Origins of the Abhidhamma767 viewsEnquiring into the origins, purpose and limitations of the Abhidhamma.Nov 11, 2013
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