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IMG0008.jpgThe "Big Buddha" Sichuan, China1594 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0007.jpgHermit in the Korean Mountains2035 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0006.jpgBhikkunis in the autumn landscape, Korea1508 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0005.jpgCompanionship in Samsara Cemetery, Munich1476 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0004.jpgOn theWay to Meditation, Southern Germany1716 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0003.jpgQuiet in the City of Berlin Buddhist House, Berlin1577 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0002.jpgA Buddha’s Statue in Germany, Buddhist House, Berlin1830 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0001.jpgMonk during his collection of Alms, Mt. Popa, Myanmar2422 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

08Taking_the_Practice_Home.pdfTaking the Practice Home2761 viewsIf meditation is to have any relevance to everyday life it has to be done at home. This does not mean just your residence but wherever your attention happens to reside. To meditate at home requires a 'hands-on', dynamic approach that is not restricted to any particular time, place or posture. When applied in this way, it becomes integrated into the ordinary activities of life and becomes the basis for a meditative lifestyle in the home and the routine of everyday life.Sep 27, 2013

07Support_of_Loving-kindness.pdfSupport of Loving-kindness Meditation2368 viewsAfter the meditator is established in the basics of Vipassana meditation, Loving-kindness meditation can be used to support the more challenging Vipassana practice. While this is switching meditation modes to a concentration-based practice, its benefit is that it uplifts and sweetens the mind and helps meditators to cope with negative emotions that they may not yet be able to deal with in their Vipassana practice.Sep 27, 2013
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