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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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First_Discourse-Comparison_of_Versions.pdfThe Buddha's First Discourse: a Comparision of Versions2136 viewsThis is a study of the Dhammacakka-Pavattana-Sutta, officially considered the first discourse of the Buddha. The tradition acknowledges that he spoke about his teaching before the occasion of the delivery of this discourse. This study was undertaken during my Buddhist studies, which was one major of my Batchelor of Arts at the University of Queensland, completed in 2004. The study compares 17 possible versions of this discourse from four languages: Pali, Chinese, Tibetan and Sanskrit. Some interesting differences are discovered and an attempt is made to explain them. An expected core of all the discourses stands out, which shows why all major schools of Buddhism accept the Four Noble Truths as the essential teaching of the Buddha.Dec 29, 2009
12_Continuing-practice-home.mp3(12) Continuing the Practice at Home1646 viewsAfter a retreat, the challenge of continuing the practice at home needs to be considered. Strategies and advice on how to cope with the daily routine and incorporating the practice into daily life is given.Jul 29, 2009
08_Paying-attention-feelings.mp3(8) Paying Attention to Feelings2780 viewsThe Buddha said: "All things converge in Feelings", so paying attention to feelings, whether they are pleasant, unpleasant or indifferent is the is the primary focus in Vipassana meditation.Jul 29, 2009
10_At-six-sense-doors.mp3(10) At the Six-Sense Doors2332 viewsThis is an orientation to Sense Doors or sense spheres: i.e. the five senses as well as the mind itself.Jul 29, 2009
11_Support-loving-kindness.mp3(11) The Support of Loving-Kindness1869 viewsLoving-kindness as a concentration based meditation is used to uplift and sweeten the mind, which compliments the Vipassana practice. Jul 29, 2009
09_Investigating-bodys-reality.mp3(9) Investigating the Body's Reality2014 viewsInvestigating the Body's Reality is based on the Buddha's words in the Dhammapada: "They awaken, always wide awake: Gautama Buddha's disciples whose mindfulness, both day and night, is constantly immersed in the body". Dhp 299 Jul 29, 2009
07_Clearly-knowing-daily-activities.mp3(7) Clearly Knowing Daily Activities2211 viewsClearly Knowing Daily Activities requires one to have full knowledge of what one is doing as one is doing it - i.e. having present moment awareness.Jul 29, 2009
03_Framework-for-practice.mp3(3) Framework for the Practice2814 viewsThe Framework for the Practice is based on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta): Body, Feelings, Mind States, and Mind Objects.Jul 29, 2009
06_Minds-latent-tendencies.mp3(6) The Mind's Latent Tendencies2305 viewsHere we are dealing with the mind's unwholesome predispositions and how to work with them from the point of view of meditation practices, epsecially Vipassana meditation.
Jul 29, 2009
01_Introduction.mp3(1) Introduction6844 viewsThis series of audio files are from Ven. Pannyavaro's book: "The Vipassana Retreat". Pannyavaro is the resident monk and teacher at the Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery,Tullera, NSW Australia. This is the introduction to the Vipassana Retreat, which describes the supportive conditions of a retreat centre, etc.Jul 29, 2009
1212 files on 122 page(s) 57

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