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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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02_Orientation-to-practice.mp3(2) Orientation to the Practice3158 viewsOrientation to the Practice of Vipassana Meditation is guidance on how to adjust to and conduct oneself in a retreat environment.Jul 29, 2009
04_Basic-instructions.mp3(4) The Basic Instructions3100 viewsThe Basic Instructions are given in four areas of practice: formal sitting, awareness of movement in walking, and clear comprehension during ones daily activities. Jul 29, 2009
05_Working-with-thinking-pain.mp3(5) Working with Thinking and Pain2624 viewsWorking with Thinking and Pain in meditation, explains how to relate to pain and the ability to handle the "Thinking Mind" skilfully.Jul 29, 2009
Day10QandA_AuspiciousDays_ClosingCeremoniesPart_1.MP3Questions and Answers, Auspicious Days, Closing Ceremonies (Part 1)1499 viewsDay Ten: Part 1: Questions and Answers, Auspicious Days and the Closing Ceremonies at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia.Jul 28, 2009
Day10QandA_AuspiciousDaysClosingCeremoniesPart_2.MP3Questions and Answers, Auspicious Days, Closing Ceremonies (Part 2)1309 viewsDay Ten: Part 2: Questions and Answers, Auspicious Days and the Closing Ceremonies at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia.Jul 28, 2009
Day09DhammaDisguises-10NewAgeMythsPart_1.MP3Dhamma Disguises: 10 New Age Myths (Part 1)1275 viewsDay Nine: Part 1: Dhamma Talk on Dhamma Disguises: 10 New Age Myths given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia. Jul 28, 2009
Day09DhammaDisguises-10NewAgeMythsPart_2.MP3Dhamma Disguises: 10 New Age Myths (Part 2)1769 viewsDay Nine: Part 2: Dhamma Talk on Dhamma Disguises: 10 New Age Myths given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia. Jul 28, 2009
Day08_3rd-4thNobleTruthsPart_1.MP33rd and 4th Noble Truths (Part 1)1237 viewsDay Eight: Part 1: Dhamma Talk on The 3rd and 4th Noble Truths given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia. Jul 28, 2009
Day08_3rd-4thNobleTruthsPart_2.MP33rd and 4th Noble Truths (Part 2)1443 viewsDay Eight: Part 2: Dhamma Talk on The 3rd and 4th Noble Truths given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia. Jul 28, 2009
Day07_1st-2ndNobleTruthsPart_2.MP31st and 2nd Noble Truths (Part 2)1227 viewsDay Seven: Part 2: Dhamma Talk on The 1st and 2nd Noble Truths given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia.Jul 28, 2009
1212 files on 122 page(s) 58

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