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buddhism_and_education.pdfBuddhism and Education2051 viewsNov 24, 2014

buddhism_a_laymans_guide_to_life.pdfBuddhism, A Layman's Guide to Life3034 viewsNov 24, 2014

beyond_tolerance_and_pleasure.pdfBeyond Tolerance and Pleasure2288 viewsNov 24, 2014

a_constitution_for_living.pdfA Constitution for Living2889 viewsNov 24, 2014

a_brief_introduction_to_the_buddha_dhamma.pdfA Brief Introduction to the Buddha-Dhamma3209 viewsNov 24, 2014

ZazenWasan.pdfHAKUIN ZENJI - ZAZEN WASAN (ç™½éš ç¦…å¸« - å禅和讃)1319 viewsThe Song of Zazen by Hakuin Zenji
(for Rohatsu sesshin)
Oct 19, 2014

Takkesage.pdfTAKKESAGE æ 袈 装 åˆ948 viewsPutting [on the] Buddha-Monk's Robe Wrapping Gather.Oct 19, 2014

ShosaimyoKichijo.pdfSHO-SAI-MYO KICHIJO DARANI 消ç½å¦™å‰ç¥¥ç¥žå‘ª1045 views[The]-Extinguishing-[of]-Disasters-[with]-Wonderful-Luck-[of]-Good-fortune-Goddess-(LakÅ›mÄ«)-Devotion (DharanÄ«), or DharanÄ« for Removing Disasters, and: JvÄla MahÄugra DhÄranÄ«
[The] Blazing Great-Reversing-[of]-Terrible-[Events] DhÄranÄ«Oct 19, 2014

Shiguseigano.pdfSHI GU SEI-GAN Ō 四弘誓願962 viewsFour Encompassing Vows.Oct 19, 2014

Shariraimon.pdfSHARIRAIMON 舎利禮文912 viewsBuddha-relics [Śarīra] Rite Verse [Gather]Oct 19, 2014
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