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17_Track_17.mp3NIRVANA’S ENDLESS DAY1530 viewsLong have we sought for Truth’s Bright Light,
Long have we wondered in the night?
Lord Buddha hath found the holy way
That leads from night to Endless Day.
When shall we find the road to peace,
When earthly strife and hatred cease?
O weary soul that peace profound,
To Buddha’s Holy Law is found,
Where shall we learn that Law sublime,
Which leads us on the peace divine?
To Buddha’s Holy Law we turn,
The path of Truth and Peace to learn.
Why must we wonder many a year,
In pain and misery and fear?
The Eightfold Path of wondrous wealth,
Is hidden by the love of self.
And must we prey that we may find,
The strength to break the chains that bind?
By each one must the race be run,
And not by prayer is freedom won.
Whence comes the suffering of this life,
How can we end our state of strife?
By Buddha’s Law is justice known,
For each must reap what each has sown.
With love that never more shall wane,
We’ll praise Lord Buddha’s holy name,
And in the Dharma’s Noble way,
We’ll reach Nirvana’s endless Day.
May 14, 2009

16_Track_16.mp3THE SUNRISE COMES1506 viewsAh! Blessed Lord!
Oh! High Deliverer!
I take my refuge in Thy name and Order,
I take my refuge in Thy Law.
The Dew is on the Lotus!
Rise, Great Sun!
And lift my leaf and mix me with the wave,
The Sunrise comes!
The Dewdrop slips into the shining Sea!May 14, 2009

15_Track_15.mp3CHILDREN OF THE BUDDHA1696 viewsChildren of the Buddha,
Proudly now we stand,
Raising high His standard,
In this eastern land,
Buddha’s teaching spreadeth,
Universal peace,
Where His name is honoured,
Hate and strive shall cease.
Children of the Buddha,
We must strive to show,
Truth and love and kindness,
Where sover we go,
Purity, obedience,
Faith and courage strong,
These shall light our journey,
As we march along.
As we climb life’s mountain,
Clouds will disappear,
Buddha’s love surrounding
All who persevere,
Grief and pain departing,
Ignorance will ceased,
On our hearts descending,
Blest Nirvana’s peace.
May 14, 2009

14_Track_14.mp3BUDDHIST DOXOLOGY1633 viewsBright shineth the sun in his splendor by day,
And bright the moon’s radiance by night;
Bright shineth the hero in battle array,
And the sage in his thought shineth bright.
But by day and by night, none so glorious and bright.
As Lord Buddha, the Source of all Spiritual Light;
But by day and by night, none so glorious and bright
As Lord Buddha, the Source of all Spiritual Light.May 14, 2009

13_Track_13.mp3RIGHT ACTION1544 viewsFirm in our purpose we have act,
Our feet in Wisdom’s Way;
Nor shall the transient things of earth,
Our resolution sway.
We spurn the lure of fame or gold,
The lust for things of sense;
And find purity and peace,
Our ample recompense.
Unselfish love to all that live,
Our lives shall manifest;
In thought, in word, in action show,
Its inspiration blest.
Though steep and toilsome be the path,
We shall but strive the more;
Nirvana’s holy realm to gain,
And peace forevermore.May 14, 2009

12_Track_12.mp3LETâ€S SING THE PRAISES1546 viewsSing gladly boys and maidens,
Your hymn of praise today,
‘Tis right that children’s voices,
Should blend in sweetest lay.
O praise the Holy Teacher,
Who found the root of pain,
And by his life Triumphant,
The power of self has slain,
The power of self has slain.
Come sing, dear boys and maidens,
Your hymn to Buddha Lord,
It was for all His children,
His wisdom He outpoured.
Sing praises of the Master,
Who found the Holy way,
Which we will safely follow,
To everlasting day,
To everlasting day.
And when we sing His praises,
Remember we strive,
By Holy Word and Action,
To keep His Faith alive.
O let us try to follow,
The Holy Path He found,
With love and with compassion,
All forms of live surround,
All forms of Life surround.
May 14, 2009

11_Track_11.mp3THOUGHTS2015 viewsI fold my palms to worship Him,
And meditate thro’s love,
I place the blossoms one by one,
And lift my eyes above.
I see Samsara‘s mighty vast
And sorrow’s yearning fate,
But thro’s the law the Dharma’s taught
I sense a pathway great;
“Oh may that Noble Eightfold way
Be sense by you and me,
For on this Holy Wesak Day,
‘Tis my true gift to thee!â€May 14, 2009

10_Track_10.mp3THE THREE SIGNS2869 viewsDukkha, Anicca, Anatta
The leaves are falling fast,
The reign of the rose is ended,
The sky is overcast.
The whole world is filled with sadness,
From city and Jungle rise;
The cry of life’s suffering children
The daylight slowly dies.
Our lord looked with love and pity
Upon every living being,
From the lowliest child of nature
To the mightiest crowned king.
For hatred, delusion, passion
Still claim and enslave us all,
And each alike on the wheel of change
Must suffer, and rise, and fall.
Dukka, Anicca, Anatta,
Tho’s every life knows pain;
He who faithfully walks the Path
Will not look for help in vain.
The law of the Tathagatha
Forever will light the way;
It is our moon to shine by night,
Our sun to illume the day.
In lord Buddha we take our refuge,
His Law of Good our guide,
To pilot us as we toss and drift
On being’s remorseless tide.
With the Dharma’s light to steer by
Some day we’ll fear rocks no more,
But, merit won, each will moor his barge,
On Nirvana’s changeless shore.
May 14, 2009

09_Track_9.mp3THE BODHI TREE2811 viewsIn the forest dense and wild
Providing shade for fierce and mild,
Beloved by both man and child,
The Holy Bodhi Stands.
In the city’s sun-browned heart
Where the highways meet and part,
Beneath whose shade the sparrows dart
The Holy Bodhi stands.
Down the river’s fertile shore
Where young meet for Dhamma’s lore
Enshrined within a pilgrim door,
The Holy Bodhi stands.
Years by thousands have gone by
Since that Indian Prince did sigh,
And where became The Buddha high,
The Holiest Bodhi stands!May 14, 2009

08_Track_8.mp3WHY2744 viewsWhy must they all lie?
Why must they deny?
The words that He had said,
And the Eightfold Way.
Why do they close their minds
And choose to be so blind?
Thro’s birth, and death and change,
Round they will go again.
Round and round they’ll go again,
Round they’ll go again.
Down and down they’re burnt in flames,
Down they’ll go in pain.
Why do they deafen their ears?
Why do they not hear?
The words of love and peace,
From the Master’s seat.May 14, 2009
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