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Home > Audio Library > Vipassana & Loving-kindness Meditation

Last additions - Vipassana & Loving-kindness Meditation
Loving-kIndness_Meditation.mp3Loving-kindness Meditation1489 viewsLoving-kindness Meditation, Metta BhavanaDec 25, 2018
Insight_Meditation.mp3Insigt Meditation Explained1440 viewsA talk explaining Insight MeditationDec 25, 2018
bd3360a583543c41b0db1adef00426e4.jpg671 viewsOct 19, 2014
sc184215.jpg643 viewsOct 19, 2014
sc184287.jpg654 viewsOct 19, 2014
03_Metta_Meditation.mp33. Metta Meditation- Loving-kindness1081 viewsSharing of the Merits with the Devas; Transferring of Merits to All Loved Ones; Making Aspirations; Closing Invocation. Nov 15, 2013
01_Metta_Meditation.mp32. Metta Meditation - Loving-kindness1460 viewsMetta Meditation InstructionsNov 15, 2013
02_Metta_Meditation.mp31. Metta Meditation - Loving-kindness1593 viewsIntroduction to the Practice of Metta MeditationNov 15, 2013
x77.mp3Keeping the Practice in Balance863 viewsGenerally, when difficulties are encountered in the meditation practice they often are caused by an imbalance in the meditation skills. Maintaining your balance in meditation is a matter of harmonising the three meditation skills of the Buddha's 8-Fold Path: right effort or application, right mindfulness or attentiveness, and intensifying the attentiveness that leads to right concentration.Sep 22, 2013
x66.mp3Integrating Mindfulness into Daily Life973 viewsA basic skill in Vipassana meditation is to acquire the ability to give full and sustained attention or mindfulness to what you are doing as you are doing it; yet we rarely, if ever, give anything our full attention, at best it is just partial attention. While most practitioners can establish mindfulness in the supportive conditions of a retreat the challenge then is to integrate mindfulness into daily life.Sep 22, 2013
99 files on 10 page(s) 1

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