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02Orientation_to_the_Practice.pdfOrientation to the Practice3110 viewsWhether this is a first time experience of Vipassana meditation or you are a meditator who has experience in this mode of practice, every meditator at the beginning of a retreat will need to make some adjustment to the retreat situation - at least in having to settle down and get into the rhythm of the practice. First, let us look how one relates to a retreat situation and the way to adjust to the retreat environment, before the basic instructions are given.Sep 27, 2013
munbio_photos.pdfVenerable Acariya Mun Bhåridatta Thera A Spiritual Biography1161 viewsA Spiritual Biography by Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno. Translated from the Thai by Bhikkhu Dick Salaratano. Acariya Mun Bharidatta Thera was a vipassana meditation master of the highest caliber of this present age. He taught the profound nature of Dhamma with such authority and persuasion that he left no doubts among his students about the exalted level of his spiritual attainment. His devoted followers consist of numerous monks and laity from virtually every region of Thailand. His story is truly a magnificent one throughout: from his early years in lay life through his long endeavour as a Buddhist monk to the day he finally passed away.

This copy contains photographs which were not included in the original eBook
Sep 25, 2013
honourfathers.pdfHonor Our Fathers1054 viewsThis book is intended primarily as a tribute to the late Venerable Kapilavaddho Bhikkhu (William August Purfurst, known later as Richard Randall) for whom the English Sangha Trust was formed. He stands out as a man who started and developed the founding of the first English Theravada Sangha in the Western world. For the sake of context it includes a very brief history of the development of Theravada Buddhism in the UK. Only the major steps of this development have been recorded here, though many other groups have contributed to the spreading of Buddhism in the UK.Sep 25, 2013
gqga_spanish.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Spanish)1797 viewsGood Question, Good Answer (Spanish version)Sep 25, 2013
gqga_sinhala.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Sinhala)1347 viewsGood Question, Good Answer (Sinhala version)Sep 25, 2013
gqga_chinese.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Chinese)1585 viewsGood Question, Good Answer (Chinese version)Sep 25, 2013
acariya-mun.pdfAcariya Mun Bhuridatta - A Spiritual Biography (Screen Version)1189 viewsA Spiritual Biography by Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno. Translated from the Thai by Bhikkhu Dick Salaratano. Acariya Mun Bharidatta Thera was a vipassana meditation master of the highest caliber of this present age. He taught the profound nature of Dhamma with such authority and persuasion that he left no doubts among his students about the exalted level of his spiritual attainment. His devoted followers consist of numerous monks and laity from virtually every region of Thailand. His story is truly a magnificent one throughout: from his early years in lay life through his long endeavor as a Buddhist monk to the day he finally passed away.Sep 25, 2013
acariya-mun-bio.pdfAcariya Mun Bhuridatta - A Spiritual Biography (with Photographs)1411 viewsA Spiritual Biography by Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno. Translated from the Thai by Bhikkhu Dick Salaratano. Acariya Mun Bharidatta Thera was a vipassana meditation master of the highest caliber of this present age. He taught the profound nature of Dhamma with such authority and persuasion that he left no doubts among his students about the exalted level of his spiritual attainment. His devoted followers consist of numerous monks and laity from virtually every region of Thailand. His story is truly a magnificent one throughout: from his early years in lay life through his long endeavor as a Buddhist monk to the day he finally passed away.

This copy is a high quality screen version of the original eBook
Sep 25, 2013
Way-it-is-by-ajahn-sumedho.pdfThe Way It Is 2692 viewsThis book contains a collection of teachings of Ajahn Sumedho given to people who are familiar with the conventions of Theravada Buddhism and have some experience of meditation. Most of the chapters are edited from talks given during retreats for lay people for Ajahn Sumedho's monastic (ordained) disciples, so they require some careful attention and are best read in sequence. In many of these talks Ajahn Sumedho expounds on the uniquely Buddhist expression of 'not-self' (anatta). He maintains this to be the Buddha's way of pointing to the experience of Ultimate Reality that is the goal of many religions. During the monastic retreats Ajahn Sumedho frequently teaches the Dependent Origination paticca-samuppada based on the approach of anatta. The Dependent Origination traces the process whereby suffering (dukkha) is compounded out of ignorance (avijja) and conversely suffering is eliminated (or rather not created) with the cessation of ignorance. Just as anatta -- not-self -- is the expression of Ultimate Truth.Sep 25, 2013
Nothing-is-more-joyless.pdf“Nothing is more joyless than selfishness”2351 viewsThese teachings were originally talks given byduring his stay at Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery in the North-East of Thailand, in May 1989. The talks were usually given during the evening meetings, when the Sangha would come together for chanting, meditation and listening to the Dhamma.Sep 25, 2013
347 files on 35 page(s) 13

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