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Nagarjuna-upaya.pdfNāgārjuna and the Philosophy of Upāya 1901 viewsThe purpose of this article is to offer a different account of Nāgārjuna than is found in contemporary Western scholarship. It will not ask what it means for causality, truth, the self, or consciousness to be "empty" in a very general sense, but rather how Nāgārjuna’s philosophy relates to the soteriological practices of Buddhism and what it means for those practices to be "empty" of inherent nature. Rather than describing Nāgārjuna as a metaphysician this study will situate him squarely within the early Mahāyāna tradition and the philosophical problem of practice that is expressed through the doctrine of “skill-in-means” (upāya-kauśalya). It should become evident in what follows that the doctrine of upāya has little in common with Western metaphysics. It is unconcerned with problems regarding causality, personal identity, consciousness, logic, language, or any other issues that are unrelated to specific problems surrounding the nature and efficacy of Buddhist practice. Given that every major tradition in Buddhism stresses the indispensable nature of practice, it is highly unlikely that Nagarjuna’s philosophy is concerned with metaphysical issues or that his doctrine of “emptiness” can be separated from the soteriological practices of Buddhism.Sep 22, 2013
vandana02.pdfVandana: Pali Devotional Chanting3084 viewsIt is beneficial for every Buddhist to recite daily and learn Pali at least a few verses from the Vandana, recalling to mind the sublime qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and the Sangha. Contemplation on these great qualities will make our minds calm, peaceful and serene.Sep 19, 2013
vandana.pdfBhavana Vandana - Book of Devotion3285 viewsThe purpose of this book is manifold. One is to teach the users of this Vandana book how to pronounce Pali words correctly. By the daily repetition of these Pali verses and Suttas people can learn the Pali pronunciation without much effort. Secondly we intend to teach people the Pali language without much toil. Therefore we made one half of our chanting in English, so people learn the meaning of what they chant in Pali and later on they can compare the English with the Pali. Thirdly, we intend to teach people Dhamma through devotional service. In order to fulfill all these purposes we decided to include certain Suttas which are not normally used in Viharas for vandana service.
Sep 19, 2013
paliwordday.pdfA Pali Word A Day3460 viewsA selection of Pali words for daily reflection. This booklet aims to assist new Buddhist students who are unfamiliar with some of the Pali words often used in the study of Buddhism. As the title suggests, it encourages the learning and use of Pali words by learning one word a day. This booklet can serve both as a dictionary and a glossary of terms for your reference.Sep 19, 2013
paligram.pdfA Grammar of the Pali Language4399 viewsMost introductory Pali grammar books consist of lessons that teach the elements of the language in stages, but because of that they are also very difficult to use as a reference when you need to look up a noun's declension, or a verb's conjugation. Because of its practical and comprehensive coverage of the elements of the Pali language in complete chapters, this book is a very useful reference. It was not written for linguistics experts, but for students with little experiences tudying Pali grammar.Sep 19, 2013
palidict.pdfPali Buddhist Dictionary [4th Edition]5763 viewsThis is an authentic dictionary of Buddhist doctrinal terms, used in the Pali Canon and its Commentaries. It provides the reader not with a mere enumeration of Pali terms and their English equivalents, but offers precise and authentic definitions and explanations of canonical and post-canonical terms and doctrines, based on the Suttas, Abhidhamma and the Commentaries.Sep 19, 2013
ele_pali.pdfElementary Pali Course7087 viewsThis Elementary Pali Course by the late Venerable Narada Thera, the renowned Buddhist scholar of the Vjirarama Vihara, Colombo, Sri Lanka, is the standard work for the study of the elementary level of Pali. Pali was the language spoken by the Buddha, and employed by him to expound his teachings. It is also the scriptural language used by the Theravada school of Buddhism.Sep 19, 2013
abhistudy.pdfAbhidhamma Studies (Buddhist Psychology)3954 viewsThe content of these studies is rather varied: they include philosophical and psychological investigations, references to the practical application of the teachings concerned, pointers to neglected or unnoticed aspects of the Abhidhamma, textual research etc. This variety of contents serves to show that wherever we dig deep enough into that inexhaustible mine, the Abhidhamma literature, we shall meet with valuable contributions to the theoretical understanding and practical realization of Buddhist doctrine.Sep 19, 2013
abhidhamma.pdfA Manual of Abhidhamma (Abhidhammattha Sangaha)6182 viewsAbhidhamma is the Higher Teaching of the Buddha. It expounds the quintessence of His profound doctrine. The Dhamma, embodied in the Sutta Pitaka, is the conventional teaching, and the Abhidhamma is the ultimate teaching. In the Abhidhamma both mind and matter, which constitute this complex machinery of man, are microscopically analysed. Chief events connected with the process of birth and death are explained in detail. Intricate points of the Dhamma are clarified.Sep 19, 2013
abhidhaultsci.pdfThe Buddha's Abhidhamma - Ultimate Science4872 viewsThe Abhidhamma, describes in detail the natures of the ultimate realities that really exist in nature but are unknown to scientists. His method of verification is superior to scientific methods which depend on instruments. He used his divine-eye to penetrate the coverings that hide the true nature of things. He also taught others how to develop concentration and how to observe with their mind-eyes the true nature of all things and finally the four Noble Truths.Sep 19, 2013
347 files on 35 page(s) 14

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