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Maung_-_Buddhism_and_the_Self.pdfBuddhism and the Self1305 viewsOne of the most perplexing concepts in Buddhist philosophy is the doctrine of anatta, or ‘not-self’. Many have interpreted anatta to be a metaphysical assertion that there is no self, but I argue that this is mistaken. Rather, in line with Thanissaro Bhikkhu, I understand anatta as a practical strategy that has heuristic value in guiding one
towards liberation. Furthermore, I propose that the acceptance of a subjective self can be consistent with and justified in Buddhism. This will be the focus of this essay.
Sep 03, 2013
Info-Meditation-Centers-Sri-Lanka2013.pdfInformation about Meditation Centers in Sri Lanka - 20131768 viewsThere are many monasteries and meditation centers in Sri Lanka, but only few of these are suitable for foreigners who are new to Sri Lanka and only stay for a short time. The following information is specifically intended for them. Both males and females can stay in all of these places, albeit separate.Sep 02, 2013
Monasteries-Meditation-Centres-Sri-Lanka2013.pdfBuddhist Forest Monasteries and Meditation Centres in Sri Lanka 1324 viewsUpdated: April 2013

In Sri Lanka there are many forest hermitages and meditation centres suitable for foreign Buddhist monastics or for experienced lay Buddhists. The following information is particularly intended for Western bhikkhus, those who aspire to become bhikkhus, and those who are experienced lay practitioners.
Sep 02, 2013
12_Anthology_web.pdfVolume 12. Anthology of Stele Inscriptions1225 viewsAnthology of Stele Inscriptions of eminent Buddhist monks.Sep 03, 2012
11_Exposition_web.pdfVolume 11. Exposition of the Sutra of Brahma's Net1502 viewsExposition of the Sutra of Brahma's Net.Sep 03, 2012
10_Culture_web.pdfVolume 10. Korean Buddhist Culture1163 viewsAccounts of a pilgrimage, monuments, and eminent monks.Sep 03, 2012
1_Preface_Collected_Works_Korean-Buddhism.pdfPreface to Collected Works of Korean Buddhism1355 viewsPreface to the Collected Works of Korean BuddhismSep 03, 2012
09_Seon_Poems_web.pdfVolume 9. Seon Poems: Selected Works1905 viewsSeon Poems: Selected Works.Sep 03, 2012
08_Seon_Dialogues_web.pdfVolume 8. Seon Dialogues1604 viewsSeon DialoguesSep 03, 2012
07-2_Gongan_II_web.pdfVolume 7-2. Gongan Collections 2 1336 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
347 files on 35 page(s) 15

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