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07-1_Gongan_I_web.pdfVolume 7-1. Gongan Collections 11393 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
06_Doctrinal2BTreatises_web.pdfVolume 6. Doctrinal Treatises: Selected Works1344 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
05_Hwaom_II_web.pdfVolume 5. Hwaom 2 - Selected Works1313 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
04_Hwaom_I_web.pdfVolume 4. Hwaom 1 The Mainstream Tradition1494 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
03_Hyujeong_web.pdfVolume 3. Hyujeong: Selected Works1445 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
01_Wonhyo_web.pdfVolume 1. Wonhyo: Selected Works2621 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
02_Chinul_web.pdfVolume 2. Chinul Selected Works1837 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.Sep 03, 2012
Samyutta-Nikaya-An-Anthology-I.pdfSaṃyutta Nikāya An Anthology - Part I1859 viewsThe Saṃyutta Nikāya is one of the five great divisions of the Sutta Piṭaka of the Pāli canon, the Tipiṭaka or “Three Baskets” of doctrine, constituting the Buddha-word for Theravāda
Buddhism. The meaning of “Saṃyutta Nikāya” is “The Collection of Grouped Discourses” and it is so called because its material is arranged into groups (saṃyuttas) according to subject, of which there are fifty-six. These again are placed into five vaggas, sections or chapters, corresponding to the five divisions of this anthology
Jul 03, 2011
Ratana_Sutta-The_Three_Superb_Jewels.pdfRatana Sutta1994 viewsThe Buddha’s Discourse on The Three Superb Jewels and their intrinsic power, with an introduction, translation and explanations based on Pàli Sources by Bhikkhu Nànadassana. Foreword by Most Ven. N. Ariyadhamma Mahàthera.

FREE HARD COPIES: For free and postage-free hard copies please email to: desamansoysa-at-yahoo.com
Jul 03, 2011
The_Anscestral_Stupas_of_Shwedagon.pdfThe Ancestral Stupas of the Shwedagon Pagoda2474 viewsThe Shwedagon pagoda in Yangon is the unique landmark Pagoda of the country of Myanmar. This paper tries to present the evolution of the Stupa types from the very earlier time in India to the Gupta period (3rd-7th century A.D.) through Maurya, Sunga, Gandhara and Andhra dynasties, from the North-west frontier to the south of India; and then it continues to the evolution in early Myanmar through Pyu, Bagan and Hansawady Mon dynasties up to the existing Shwedagon Pagoda's architectural style, lastly renovated by the Mon queen Shin saw pu and king Dhamasedi, which went up to the height of 302 feet, until the summit of the golden umbrella was added by king Mindon of Mandalay in the early 19th century. Jul 02, 2011
347 files on 35 page(s) 16

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