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DP_Eight_Lifetime_Precepts.pdfEight Lifetime Precepts1066 viewsEight Lifetime Precepts are an expansion of Ajivatthamaka Sila. The first seven Precepts are the same but the eighth Precept is an amalgamation of the eighth Precept of Ajivatthamaka Sila and the fifth Precept of Panca Sila (The Five Precepts): I undertake the training rule [Precept] to abstain from wrong livelihood; and drinks and drugs that cause heedlessness.Jan 21, 2016
DP_Bodhicari_Precepts2.pdfBodhicari Precepts1229 viewsBodhicaris can be defined as “practitioners of the Buddha Dhamma who have attainment of enlightenment as their goal”. The Bodhicari Precepts are an expansion of Ajivatthamaka Sila (Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth) and Panca Sila (The Five Precepts). They were developed at Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara Los Angeles USA.Jan 21, 2016
DP_Ajiv_in_Pail_Canon.pdfAjivatthamaka Sila in Pail_Canon1060 viewsAjivatthamaka Sila builds upon the framework of Panca Sila (The Five Precepts). It expands the Fourth Precept of the Panca Sila (The Five Precepts) to specify the four types of wrong speech from which a lay disciple should abstain. The Ajivatthamaka Sila also requires abstention from wrong livelihood.Jan 21, 2016
DP_5_Daily_Reflections.pdfThe Five Subjects for Daily Recollection1271 viewsThere are other recollections which one can make and which help one to appreciate the state of a human being. People tend to hide away from decay, disease and death while greatly attached to sentient beings and insentient objects. Some people try also to ignore moral responsibility for their actions. These recollections bring all these subjects out into the light and make us face them squarely. Therefore, the Buddha has said that they should be recollected by everyone daily.Jan 21, 2016
DP_Ajiv_Bibliography.pdfAjivatthamaka Sila Bibliography1004 viewsAjivatthamaka Sila (Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth) Bibliography. A bibliography for Ajivatthamaka Sila (Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth and Buddhist Precepts.Jan 21, 2016
thai_cambodian_art.pdfThai-Cambodian Culture - Relationship through Arts1271 viewsThailand and Cambodia are very close neighbours with common borders and cultural relations. The Thai people received and adopted some arts and culture from ancient Cambodia. The pre-Thai scripts and spoken words were adopted from Khmer native language. The development of Cambodian arts can be seen in the Thai art of the Lopburi period (11th to 15th century A.D.) It was occupied by the Khmers and as such the art of this period is known locally as Khmer art which deals with Mahayana elements.Jan 04, 2016
life_of_tha_buddha.pdfLife of the Buddha in Gandhara Art1619 viewsThe tradition of Grandhara Art is the birthplace of many strands of Buddhist art and sculpture. Historically, it is in the Gandhara tradition – now in what is Pakistan - that the Buddha came to be represented first as a person. Prior to this, the Enlightened Buddha was symbolized in art and sculpture either through foot-prints or through a stylized Bodhi Tree. The personal representations of the Buddha originated probably through the inspiration derived from the Hellenistic tradition. In numerous bas-reliefs and friezes, phases of the Buddha’s life are elaborately depicted.Jan 04, 2016
Between_The_Lines_Vol2_By_Sylvia_Bay_2015.pdfBetween The Lines (Volume 2) An analytical appreciation of the Buddha's Life 3141 viewsThis book seeks to bring the historical Buddha back into the popular psyche. That story is as intriguing, and is perhaps even more inspiring than the best fantasy story that had ever been woven.Sep 12, 2015
Anapanasati_appreciation.pdfAnapanasati Sutra Appreciation (MN 118)2958 viewsFulfilling Awareness of the Breath Meditation

This is a concise and straightforward appreciation of the Anapanasati Sutta (MN 118). What makes this appreciation different is the emphasis on personal meditative insight leading to deepening wisdom through practical meditation instruction.
Sep 12, 2015
The_Eight_Discernments_of_Eminent_Men_Sutra.pdfThe Eight Discernments of Eminent Men Sutra3093 viewsA new translation of the 佛說八大人覺經 (commonly known as the Eight realizations of Great Beings Sutra), with added commentary from the Pureland perspective.Jan 23, 2015
347 files on 35 page(s) 3

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