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allkunda.pdfDiscourses on Vipassana Meditation9552 viewsSayadaw U Kundala is a renowned meditation master in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, noted for his loving-kindness. In these Dhamma talks the stages of the practice and the Insight Knowledges are explained. The method of meditation is given with detailed instruction. There is a detailed explanation of the Contemplation of Feelings, the second foundation of mindfulness, which, in the Theravada tradition, is the key to the Insight Knowledges. Overall, in the Sayadaw's teachings, there is much for the Vipassana or insight meditator to be inspired by.Jan 01, 1970
frames_ref.pdfFrames of Reference3829 viewsThis book on the frames of reference is based to some extent on my own thoughts and opinions. In some spots it may not be directly in line with the original text (Satipatthana Sutta), because my primary aim has been to get to the heart of the matter, so that it can be conveniently put into practice. The eBook also includes a section on the Duties of the Sangha, that is, the laws and regulations and disciplinary standards (Vinaya).Jan 01, 1970
breathmind.pdfKeeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samadhi6778 viewsThis is a 'how to' book. It teaches the liberation of the mind, not as a mind-boggling theory, but as a very basic skill that starts with keeping the breath in mind. The teachings here are drawn from the works of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo (1906-61), one of Thailand's most renowned teachers of Buddhist meditation practices. Ajaan Lee was a forest monk - one who prefers to live in the seclusion of the forest and makes his meditation the central theme of his practice - so his teachings grow out of personal, practical experience, although he also makes a point of relating them to standard Buddhist doctrine.Jan 01, 1970
bm7insight.pdfSeven Stages of Purification and Insight Knowledges7402 viewsThe seven stages of purification provide the framework for the practising disciple?s gradual progress from the cultivation of virtue up to the attainment of the final goal. Integral to the higher stages of purification are the nine types of insight-knowledge, by which the disciple breaks through the delusions covering his mental vision and penetrates through to the real nature of phenomena.Jan 01, 1970
mahasit1.pdfPractical Vipassana Exercises6942 viewsThe late Mahasi Sayadaw was responsible for the modern revival of Vipassana or Insight meditation in Myanmar (Burma). This text is his basic instruction on the practice: the preparatory stages with a series of basic exercises. Part two, deals with the deals with the progressive practice and the practical vipassana exercises. The appendix explains the techniques involved in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition.Jan 01, 1970
monkeym.pdfTaming the Monkey Mind3583 viewsCheng Wei-an. Tr. by Dharma Master Suddhisukha

Taming the Monkey Mind is a guide to Pure Land practice. It deals specifically with the main practice of the Pure Land School - Buddha Recitation - and covers both the noumenal and phenomenal aspects of that practice. The treatise is accompanied by the detailed commentary of an Elder Master of the Zen and Pure Land lineages. Readers not familiar with Pure Land theory may wish to begin with Dr. J.C. Cleary's introduction.
Jan 01, 1970
chandew.pdfThe Sweet Dews of Ch'an4976 viewsReverend Cheng Kuan

Ch'an or Zen is the outcome of meditation. There are two 'right'or 'highest' purposes of Ch'an. The first purpose is to achieve Dhyana. Dhyana is a combination of relaxation, concentration and calmness or tranquility. The second purpose is, using your very composed and tranquil mind, to observe clearly all the dharmas or phenomena externally and internally. As an outcome of Dhyana, you will be able to observe these phenomena very clearly because your mental mirror is very clear, for there are no more disturbances to veil it. Out of these observations will come Transcendental Wisdom, which in Sanskrit is called Prajna.
Jan 01, 1970
gates_of_chan.pdfThe Gates of Ch'an Buddhism4135 viewsVenerable Jing Hui

Bodhidharma's Gate: Ch'an (Zen) in fact is an impregnable fortress, without a gate to enter. Suppose there is really a gate, that gate would simply be a method of training to be taken up in the Ch'an tradition. That is why when a monk asked Master Zhao Zhou(778-897: "Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?" Master Zhao Zhou retorted: "Wu". Later on,this Gongan (koan) formed part of a specific approach in the Ch'an School. The author,Venerable Jing Hui is a Ch'an Master and a vice-president of the Buddhist Association of China.
Jan 01, 1970
chanmed1.pdfFundamentals of Ch'an Meditation Practice6132 viewsTing Chen, Tr. Master Lok To

The Fundamentals of (Ch'an) Meditation Practice by Ting Chen. Originally, one's own mind and nature are pure, and there is nothing to accept and nothing to refuse; there is neither existence nor nonexistence; there is only clear understanding without attachment and with no dwelling. One who wants to know the no-attachment, no-dwelling mind can find it through meditation, because it is only then that the mind does not think of right and wrong, of good and evil or of self and others.
Jan 01, 1970
undrstnd.pdfTo Understand Buddhism3809 viewsThe teachings of Master Chin Kung are based on true sincerity towards others; purity of mind; equality in everything we see; proper understanding of ourselves and our environment; compassion by helping others in a wise and unconditional way. See through to the truth of impermanence; let go of all wandering thoughts and attachments; accord with conditions to go along with the environment. Be mindful of Amitabha Buddha - wishing to reach the Pure Land and follow His Teachings.Jan 01, 1970
347 files on 35 page(s) 32

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