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huxter_mindfulness_of_breath.mp3Mindfulness of Breath953 viewsMindfulness of Breath gives instructions for mindfulness of breath, as is it experienced as movement in the abdomen. This is a foundation Insight meditation practice. In some cases individuals who are very conscious of their breathing, such as those with panic disorder, initially find this practice difficult. If this is the case they are recommended to bring attention to something other than the breath until it becomes more comfortable. May 13, 2009
huxter_loving_kindness.mp3Loving-kindness Meditation1047 viewsA guided Loving kindness meditation. With this meditation it is important to accept the ebbs and flows of emotions and not to be discouraged if feelings of loving-kindness do not, at first, arise. May 13, 2009
huxter_calming_the_body_with_the_breath.mp3Calming the Body with the Breath1372 viewsCalming the body with the breath, describes a mindfulness of breath exercise coupled with relaxation. This is a basic Calm meditation practice and it generally helps to cultivate concentration, calm and relaxation. May 13, 2009
huxter_healing_painful_emotions.mp3Healing Painful Emotions1155 viewsHealing painful emotions are instructions for some options to deal with 1. strong physical sensations and 2. difficult emotions if they are arise. It requires that the listener has already developed some skill with meditation for it to be effective. These tracks are not really guided meditations but more instructions for some options for dealing with uncomfortable physical sensations and emotions.

May 13, 2009
11atanatiya_paritta_gatha_pali.mp3Aatanatiya Paritta Gatha (Pali)1306 viewsAatanatiya Paritta Gatha (Pali)Apr 24, 2009
10dedication_and_sharing_of_merit_burmese.mp3Dedication and Sharing of Merit (Burmese)1558 viewsThe Dedication and Sharing of Merit in Burmese.Apr 24, 2009
09dedicaition_and_sharing_of_merit_english.mp3Dedication and Sharing of Merit (English)1320 viewsDedication and Sharing of Merit in EnglishApr 24, 2009
08metta_chant_3_pali.mp3Metta Chant 3 (Pali)1590 viewsThe Metta Chant 3 in Pali Apr 24, 2009
07metta_sutta_english.mp3Metta Sutta (English)1556 viewsThe Metta Sutta chanted in English Apr 24, 2009
05chanmyay_sayadaw_chant_burmese.mp3Chanmyay Sayadaw Chant (Burmese)1298 viewsChanmyay Sayadaw Chant (Burmese) Apr 24, 2009
440 files on 44 page(s) 33

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