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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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Image search results - " Monks"
10_Culture_web.pdfVolume 10. Korean Buddhist Culture1161 viewsAccounts of a pilgrimage, monuments, and eminent monks.
advice.pdfAdvice for Monks and Nuns2333 viewsThe continued existence of the Buddha Dharma depends upon the continued existence of the Sangha - the community of ordained practitioners, monks and nuns - one of the three Buddhist Refuges. In these talks, Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche explain the great benefits of practicing Dharma as an ordained person, how to keep the ordination pure, the purpose of the monastic community, how to live together as monks and nuns, and much more. The necessity for the lay community to support the Sangha is also made clear, and not only monks and nuns but lay practitioners, too, will gain much by reading this book.
bhkkrule.pdfThe Bhikkhus' Rules - Guide for Laypeople3317 viewsThe Theravadin Buddhist Monk's Rules by compiled and explained by Bhikkhu Ariyesako. Some may think that this lineage follows an overly traditionalist approach but then, it does happen to be the oldest living tradition. A slight caution therefore to anyone completely new to the ways of monasticism, which may appear quite radical for the modern day and age. The best introduction, perhaps essential for a true understanding, is meeting with a practising bhikkhu who should manifest and reflect the peaceful and joyous qualities of the bhikkhu's way of life.
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