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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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samantabhadra.pdfThe Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra4371 viewsOn Entering into the Inconceivable State of Emancipation by the Practice and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra of the Mahavaipulya Buddha Avatamsaka Sutra.
mindocean.pdfMake Your Mind an Ocean4365 viewsTo enter the spiritual path, you must begin to understand your own mental attitude and how your mind perceives things. If you're all caught up in attachment to tiny atoms, your limited, craving mind will make it impossible for you to enjoy life's pleasures. External energy is so incredibly limited that if you allow yourself to be bound by it, your mind itself will become just as limited. When your mind is narrow, small things easily agitate you. In this series of lectures, Lama speaks on the nature of mind and the Buddhist approach to mental health. Of particular interest here is 'A Buddhist Approach to Mental Illness', a talk Lama gave to a group of Western mental health practitioners, and which highlights the differences between the two approaches to mental health and perhaps lays the foundation for a greater understanding between the two.
bud-myanmar.pdfBuddhism in Myanmar - A Short History4346 viewsThis book traces the earliest contact with Buddhism in Mayanmar (Burma); the Mon and Pyu Kingdoms. Theravada Buddhism comes to Pagan; Pagan: its flowering and decline. The Shan rule. The Mayanmar build an Empire. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.
MEDITATE_365.pdfMEDITATE 365 4346 viewsBrother Pho Quan has made a detailed meditation offering, covering the entire spectrum of Buddhist practice from beginners to full wisdom. Following Insight Meditation as detailed in the Theravada Pali Canon, a guided meditation per day is shared over an entire year.

The book is in a PDF file format with 12 chapters covering the 12 months of the year. With each month a particular Buddhist theme is highlighted (i.e. impermanence, non-self, the Four Noble Truths, Conditions Arising, etc.). At the left side bar of the eBook page as well as the table of contents are links taking the reader to each monthly themed section of meditations.
budartthai2.pdfBuddhist Arts in Thailand4339 viewsThis is a study of the development of Art and Architecture in Thailand with Buddhism. The Culture of Thailand has two important sources of origin: indigenous and foreign. The indigenous source comes directly from the ideas and inspiration of the people while the foreign sources came through its cultural contact with other great civilised nations such as India and China. In the field of art, it mainly deals with religions such as Buddhism and the cultural and artistic relationship with India, and other countries. Thai art served religion, which formed the national ideal and conception of life.
buddha_life_10.jpgThe Harp of Three Strings4330 viewsThe Harp of Three Strings
pictograph04.jpgPictograph044329 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Pictograph04
buddha_life_07.gifThe Prince in an act of renuciation, cuts His hair4321 viewsThe Prince in an act of renuciation, cuts His hair
abhistudy.pdfAbhidhamma Studies (Buddhist Psychology)4320 viewsThe content of these studies is rather varied: they include philosophical and psychological investigations, references to the practical application of the teachings concerned, pointers to neglected or unnoticed aspects of the Abhidhamma, textual research etc. This variety of contents serves to show that wherever we dig deep enough into that inexhaustible mine, the Abhidhamma literature, we shall meet with valuable contributions to the theoretical understanding and practical realization of Buddhist doctrine.
beingssutra.pdfThe Sutra on the Eight Realizations4302 views"The content of The Sutra on the Eight Realizations is grounded in both Mahayana and Theravada viewpoints. Please treasure this Sutra. When I was seventeen, and in my first year of novice studies at a Buddhist Monastery, I had to study and memorize it. This enabled me to easily combine the meaning of the Sutra with meditation of breath counting. From this period until now, 44 years have passed and this Sutra is still an invaluable torch lighting my path. Today I have the opportunity to present it to you. I am grateful to this deep and miraculous Sutra. I join my hands and respectfully recite, "Homage to the precious Sutra on the Eight Realizations."
1212 files on 122 page(s) 15

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