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thai-buddha_05.jpg05 Thai Buddha Image4186 views05 Thai Buddha Image

02metta_chant_1_pali.mp3Metta Chant 1 (Pali)4173 viewsThe Metta Chant 1 in Pali

The_Anapanasati_Sutta_2.pdfThe Anapanasati Sutta4124 viewsA Practical Guide to Mindfulness of Breathing and Tranquil Wisdom Meditation. This is a meditation instruction book, written by an American monk who currently runs the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center in Missouri. While the subject material is nothing new, the Venerable. offers a different (and somewhat controversial) point of view on the practicing of the Tranquil Wisdom meditation that is well worth the read.

amtb8.wavChanting of the Name of Amitabha Buddha4108 viewsChanting of the Name of Amitabha Buddha: NAMO AMITABHA!(Pure Land School)

Arahattamagga.pdfArahattamagga, Arahattaphala: The Path to Arahantship4101 viewsAt present, all that is left of Buddhism are the words of the Buddha. Only his teachings ñ the scriptures ñ remain. Please be aware of this. Due to the corruption caused by the defiling nature of the kilesas, true spiritual principles are no longer practiced in present-day Buddhism. As Buddhists, we constantly allow our minds to be agitated and confused, engulfed in mental defilements that assail us from every direction. They so overpower our minds that we never rise above these contaminating influences, no matter how hard we try. The vast majority of people are not even interested enough to try: They simply close their eyes and allow the onslaught to overwhelm them. They don't even attempt to put up the least amount of resistance. Since they lack the mindfulness needed to pay attention to the consequences of their thoughts, all their thinking and all they do and say are instances of the kilesas giving them a beating. They surrendered to the power of these ruinous forces such a long time ago that they now lack any motivation to restrain their wayward thoughts...

nagarjuna.pdfThe Wisdom of Nagarjuna4069 viewsNagarjuna holds an almost unequaled place among the ranks of those Buddhist saints who expounded the teaching of the Buddha Sakyamuni for the benefit of the world. Nagarjuna revolutionized the interpretation of the doctrine of the Enlightened One which was current at his time and lent it a vitality and dynamism which has continued to sustain it even to our day among the votaries of the Mahayana. The revolution which Nagarjuna accomplished within the fold of Buddhism was not a radical departure from the original doctrine of the Buddha Sakyamuni. On the contrary, the adherents of the Madhyamaka school are undoubtedly justified in asserting that their interpretation represents the true import of the doctrine of the Buddha and the essence of Buddhism.

now_know.pdfNow is the Knowing4065 viewsThis small book represents the wish of some of those fortunate enough to have received Dhamma teachings from Venerable Ajahn Sumedho to share them with others. The first section describes what taking the Three Refuges in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha means; and the second section is composed of passages from three or four different talks on the subject of Mindfulness of Breathing. Lastly, the book discusses happiness, unhappiness and Nibanna.

03healing.mp3Healing Painful Emotions4038 viewsHealing painful emotions are instructions for some options to deal with 1. strong physical sensations and 2. difficult emotions if they are arise. It requires that the listener has already developed some skill with meditation for it to be effective. These tracks are not really guided meditations but more instructions for some options for dealing with uncomfortable physical sensations and emotions.

allexistence.pdfThe 31 Planes of Existence4036 viewsThe suttas describe the 31 distinct planes or realms of existence into which beings can be reborn during their long wanderings through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily dark, grim, and painful hell realms all the way up to the most sublime, refined and exquisitely blissful heavenly realms. Existence in every realm is impermanent; in the cosmology taught by the Buddha there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to both their past kamma.

medwshop.pdfInsight Meditation Workshop Online4024 viewsMeditation is the intelligent heart of the Buddha's way; the only criterion is that you should apply it to daily life. The purpose of this meditation course is not to create a system of beliefs, but rather to give guidance on how to see clearly into the nature of the mind. In this way, you can have firsthand understanding of the way things are, without reliance on opinions or theories - a direct experience, which has its own vitality. This course has been prepared with both beginners and experienced practitioners in mind.
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