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buddha_life_19.jpgVisiting His Wife and Son2596 viewsVisiting His Wife and Son
merit_field.jpgMerit Field Thangka2591 viewsMerit Field Thangka
Bhutan0015.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (06) 2579 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
buddha_life_21.jpgPacifying His Relatives2564 viewsPacifying His Relatives
The_Anscestral_Stupas_of_Shwedagon.pdfThe Ancestral Stupas of the Shwedagon Pagoda2560 viewsThe Shwedagon pagoda in Yangon is the unique landmark Pagoda of the country of Myanmar. This paper tries to present the evolution of the Stupa types from the very earlier time in India to the Gupta period (3rd-7th century A.D.) through Maurya, Sunga, Gandhara and Andhra dynasties, from the North-west frontier to the south of India; and then it continues to the evolution in early Myanmar through Pyu, Bagan and Hansawady Mon dynasties up to the existing Shwedagon Pagoda's architectural style, lastly renovated by the Mon queen Shin saw pu and king Dhamasedi, which went up to the height of 302 feet, until the summit of the golden umbrella was added by king Mindon of Mandalay in the early 19th century.
dietolive.pdfDying to Live2558 viewsThere are different views and beliefs about what happens after death. Tibetan (Vajrayana) and Chinese (Mahayana) Buddhists believe that after death, the spirit of the dead person passes through an intermediate period (bardo in Tibetan, zhong yin in Mandarin)- which may last for as long as forty-nine days - during which it undergoes a series of unearthly, extraordinary experiences, including a "small death" at the end of each week, before it is finally reborn into another realm of existence. In contrast, orthodox Theravada Buddhism, which is the earliest extant record of Gotama Buddha's teaching, asserts that rebirth takes place immediately after death.
ctp_book-2up_v1.pdfClearing the Path2554 viewsNOTE: The primary book version was made for printing as a book so it was not optimised for onscreen viewing or personal printout. This version 2upbookctpv1.PDF has been reprinted (Distilled) via Acrobat so that there are now 2 pages per A4 page in Landscape orientation (rather than usual Portrait orientation) so as to make personal printouts for reading much easier. The same effect could be obtained by using the original CtPbookv1.pdf and printing that via your desktop printer driver so as to have 2 pages per page (if possible).
buddha_life_20.jpgRelatives followed the Lord's Foot-steps2544 viewsRelatives followed the Lord's Foot-steps
09white_lotus.jpgWhite Lotus 092541 viewsWhite Lotus 09
buddha_life_30.jpgPassing Away into Parinibbana2541 viewsPassing Away into Parinibbana
1212 files on 122 page(s) 34

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