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28_Track_28.mp3ANGULIMALA2245 views“Stop thee! Oh saffron princely monk,
“who hastens on like falling rain,
“ I want a finger from thy hand
“To finish off my bloody chain.â€
“I do not run, you run instead
“please stop awhile and follow me,
“Angulimal, I ‘m not content,
“to know that thou are not yet freeâ€
“please throw that bloody chain aside,
“there is a better, nobler way,
“To live thy life and reach that truth,
“Angulimala, for you to-day.â€
And hours want by the Indian time,
While Buddha’s sinless way he heard,
And sinner changed to blessed saint,
And preach’d he out the hollowed word.

track01_introduction-to-meditation.mp3(01) Vipassana Meditation Retreat2242 viewsTrack01 Introduction to Meditation - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
The opening evening talk during an intensive Vipassana(Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, by the abbot and meditation master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.

01_What_Is_Kamma_pt1.mp31. What is Kamma? (Part 1)2239 viewsWhat is Kamma? Why are there inequalities of mankind? Is everything due to Kamma? Can Kamma be changed? Is the Buddhist doctrine of Rebirth a mere theory or an evidentially based verifiable fact? What is the cause of rebirth? How does rebirth take place on the Buddha’s teaching of no-soul?

Chief_Part2.movChief - Documentary on the Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda (Part 2)2237 viewsFor more than half a century, K Sri Dhammananda has been a leading light in disseminating Buddhism in Malaysia. Although there are different schools of Buddhism practiced in this country, such is his deep impact on the community that he is affectionately known by all as Chief Venerable, or just "Chief". This short film offers a glimpse of Chief's remarkable life and work.

buddhism_and_the_business_world_the_buddhist_way_to_deal_with_business.pdfBuddhism and The Business World: The Buddhist Way to deal with business2235 views

buddhist_solutions_for_the_twenty-first_century_28eng29.pdfBuddhist Solutions for the Twenty-first Century2232 views

thai-buddha_06.jpg06 Thai Buddha Image2222 views06 Thai Buddha Image

dhammapada_illustrated.zipTreasury of Truth2218 viewsThis is the Illustrated version of the Dhammapada or Treasury of Truth, compiled by Venerable Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero.

07_Clearly-knowing-daily-activities.mp3(7) Clearly Knowing Daily Activities2211 viewsClearly Knowing Daily Activities requires one to have full knowledge of what one is doing as one is doing it - i.e. having present moment awareness.

Path_of_Freedom_Vimuttimagga.pdfThe Path of Freedom / Vimuttimagga 2208 viewsThe work is compiled in accordance with classical Buddhist division of the path into the three stages of virtue, concentration, and wisdom, culminating in the goal of liberation. It is widely believed that the Vimuttimagga may have been the model used by Buddhaghosha to compose his magnum opus, the Visuddhimagga (Path of Purification), several centuries later. The older work is marked by a leaner style and a more lively sense of urgency stemming from its primarily practical orientation.
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