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MHRGKNJHG.pdfMYŌ-HŌ-REN-GE-KYŌ: NYO-RAI-JU-RYŌ-HON-GE (Jū-Roku) 妙法蓮華經: 如來壽量品第十六1046 viewsWonderful-Dharma-Lotus-Flower-Sutra:
Thus-come [Tathagata's] Long-life [Eternal] Nature.
ShosaimyoKichijo.pdfSHO-SAI-MYO KICHIJO DARANI 消災妙吉祥神呪1046 views[The]-Extinguishing-[of]-Disasters-[with]-Wonderful-Luck-[of]-Good-fortune-Goddess-(Lakśmī)-Devotion (Dharanī), or Dharanī for Removing Disasters, and: Jvāla Mahāugra Dhāranī
[The] Blazing Great-Reversing-[of]-Terrible-[Events] Dhāranī
Episode_06.flvVacheeKama Jataka: Episode 6 of Series 21044 views(Thai audio, with English and Chinese subtitles)
x11.mp3Difficulties Facing Meditators - and How To Work With Them1044 viewsWhile they can be challenging, the problems and difficulties that one comes across in meditation practice can work to one’s advantage, as they are 'workable'. As in life, what we experience as difficulties in meditation can be the cause of growth in the Dharma. This series of talks offers practical advice on how to work with common difficulties face by meditators.
Eight_Precepts_in_Burmese_Buddhism.pdfEight Precepts in Burmese Buddhism1042 viewsWritings on the subject of Ajivatthamaka Sila and other Precepts by notable Theravada Buddhist scholar-monks, either Myanmar [Burmese] or who have a connection with Myanmar [Burma]; and by Sayagyi U Chit Tin (a lay Buddhist born in Myanmar [Burma]).
headandheartbook.pdfHead and Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path1036 viewsContents: The Lessons of Gratitude; No Strings Attached; The Power of Judgment; Think like a Thief; Strength Training for the Mind; Mindfulness Defined; The Joy of Effort; Head & Heart Together; The Wisdom of the Ego; Ignorance; Food for Awakening; The Buddha via the Bible; Freedom from Buddha Nature.
IMG0022.jpgRecitation with Ayya Khema Waldbachhof, Southern Germany1033 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community
IMG0020.jpgMeditation at the "Golden Rock" in Myanmar1032 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community
20_right_behavior.mp3Ajahn Maha Boowa Discourses (20)1030 views20. Right Behaviour

This audio selection of the discourses of Ajahn Maha Boowa, were translated into English and recorded by Ajahn Suchaat at Wat Pa Bann Taad, Thailand.

These Teachings are free gifts of Dhamma and may not be offered for sale.
M14_Buddha2.mp3The Buddha (Part 2)1029 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: The Buddha (Part 2) (46 mins)
1212 files on 122 page(s) 90

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