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Most viewed - Buddhist Meditation
anapanasati.pdfAnapanasati - Mindfulness of Breathing12388 viewsFor the first time in the English language a comprehensive manual of Buddhist meditation known as anapanasati (the development of mindfulness of breathing) is available. Although this manual is primarily intended for the benefit of monks, it will greatly assist laymen, too, who wish to undertake a course of meditation but who do not have the guidance of a teacher. Originally published in Thai, this manual is one of the major works of the Ven. Buddhadsa Bhikkhu and delivered in 1959 in the form of a series of lectures to monks of Suanmokkha Monastery, Chaiya, Thailand. Ven. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, a major voice in the Buddhist world, is an accepted master of Buddhist meditation. In constructive positive language, the manual guides the meditator through the 16 steps of anapanasati.
01_sitting_in_stillness.pdf01 Sitting in Stilness10002 viewsPatrick Kearney

Introducing meditation practice, the concepts of serenity and insight, and the cultivation of stillness.
allkunda.pdfDiscourses on Vipassana Meditation9716 viewsSayadaw U Kundala is a renowned meditation master in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, noted for his loving-kindness. In these Dhamma talks the stages of the practice and the Insight Knowledges are explained. The method of meditation is given with detailed instruction. There is a detailed explanation of the Contemplation of Feelings, the second foundation of mindfulness, which, in the Theravada tradition, is the key to the Insight Knowledges. Overall, in the Sayadaw's teachings, there is much for the Vipassana or insight meditator to be inspired by.
artofatt.pdfThe Art of Attention8154 viewsThis is a handbook on the art of meditative attention or meditating for insight. It deals with the basics of awareness meditation. There is practical instruction on how to do sitting and walking meditation and how to apply awareness in daily activities based on the Insight Meditation (Vipassana) tradition. The purpose of this handbook is to give the beginner to awareness meditation a guide to the basics of the practice, with the emphasis on its practical application to daily life.
bm7insight.pdfSeven Stages of Purification and Insight Knowledges7471 viewsThe seven stages of purification provide the framework for the practising disciple?s gradual progress from the cultivation of virtue up to the attainment of the final goal. Integral to the higher stages of purification are the nine types of insight-knowledge, by which the disciple breaks through the delusions covering his mental vision and penetrates through to the real nature of phenomena.
mahasit1.pdfPractical Vipassana Exercises7028 viewsThe late Mahasi Sayadaw was responsible for the modern revival of Vipassana or Insight meditation in Myanmar (Burma). This text is his basic instruction on the practice: the preparatory stages with a series of basic exercises. Part two, deals with the deals with the progressive practice and the practical vipassana exercises. The appendix explains the techniques involved in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition.
Aggregates.pdfA Burden Off the Mind: A Study Guide on the Five Aggregates6886 viewsOne of the new concepts most central to the Buddha's teaching was that of the khandhas, usually translated into English as “aggregates.” Prior to the Buddha, the Pali word khandha had very ordinary meanings: A khandha could be a pile, a bundle, a heap, a mass. It could also be the trunk of a tree. In his first sermon, though, the Buddha gave it a new, psychological meaning, introducing the term “clinging-khandhas” to summarize his analysis of the truth of stress and suffering. Throughout the remainder of his teaching career, he referred to these psychological khandhas time and again. Their importance in his teachings has thus been obvious to every generation of Buddhists ever since.
breathmind.pdfKeeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samadhi6861 viewsThis is a 'how to' book. It teaches the liberation of the mind, not as a mind-boggling theory, but as a very basic skill that starts with keeping the breath in mind. The teachings here are drawn from the works of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo (1906-61), one of Thailand's most renowned teachers of Buddhist meditation practices. Ajaan Lee was a forest monk - one who prefers to live in the seclusion of the forest and makes his meditation the central theme of his practice - so his teachings grow out of personal, practical experience, although he also makes a point of relating them to standard Buddhist doctrine.
essentials.pdfEssentials of Insight Meditation Practice6486 viewsThe ultimate aim of insight meditation is to free one from the unsatisfactoriness of cyclic existence. Readers may also find numerous quotations of the Buddha's teaching on mindfulness, detachment and liberation throughout the entire book. Those verses act as a source of inspiration and purpose to put vipassana into practice - a practice that brings about insight into the three universal characteristics of unsatisfactoriness, impermanence and non-self which leads one into detachment and ultimate liberation.
allmetta.pdfLoving-kindness Meditation6435 viewsVen. Sujiva

Loving-kindness Meditation or Metta Bhavana and other Sublime States by Ven. Sujiva is a clear and comprehensive step-by-step explanation of the systematic practice. It is based on the Visuddhimagga or The Path of Purification by Buddhagosha. The texts describe metta as characterised by promoting the aspect of welfare. Amity, goodwill, friendliness and loving-kindness are some words used to describe this mental state. There is no better way to know it than to study it as it occurs in one's own and others' minds. It is a totally unselfish and pure state of mind that brings profit to oneself and others now and hereafter.
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