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gawarens.pdfA Guide to Awareness4963 viewsThe Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta). This is a series of twenty-two talks given at Wat Bovornives, Bangkok by H.H.Somdet Phra Sanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Thailand. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness is the Buddha's explanation of the practice of mindfulness meditation within the framework of four foundations of awareness: body, feelings, mind-states and the mental content. If you read this book, you will discover the truth of the 'knots' and problems that exist within you. In short, this can be described as the 'knot of suffering'. You may also then see the method to unravel and safeguard against this suffering.
livngmed.pdfLiving Meditation, Living Insight4752 viewsI wrote this book to encourage practitioners learning to meditate in daily life. In this sense, the articles are presented as a hands-on or, more accurately, a minds-on training manual. Although I discuss meditation in general, the real focus is on how the Dhamma brings us into spontaneous, wholesome and creative living. My objective in presenting the articles is to help the aspirant build up a solid foundation of mindfulness as a way of life rather than as a practice separated from daily living - Dr. Thynn Thynn.
03_seeing_the_elements.pdf03 Perceiving Impermanence4725 viewsPatrick Kearney

Perceiving impermanence. Discusses the centrality of the concept of impermanence (aniccata) to the Buddha's approach to insight, and explore the elements of earth, water, fire and air.
05_watching_the_mind-stream.pdf05 Contemplating the Thought Stream4408 viewsPatrick Kearney

Contemplating the thought stream. This week we learn to use the thoughts flowing through the mind as a meditation object, and so redefine our relationship to distraction.
04_cultivating_love.pdf04 Cultivating the Sublime States4400 viewsPatrick Kearney

Cultivating the sublime states of love, compassion, joy and equanimity. This is an example of a serenity practice which also has implications for insight.
powermindfulness.pdfThe Power of Mindfulness4388 viewsIn the case of mindfulness, it required a genius like the Buddha to discover the hidden talent in the modest garb, and to develop the vast inherent power of that potent seed. It is, indeed, the mark of a genius to perceive and to harness the power of the seemingly small. Here, truly, it happens that, what is little becomes much. A revaluation of values takes place. The standards of greatness and smallness change. Through the master mind of the Buddha, mindfulness is finally revealed as the point where the vast revolving mass of world suffering is levered out of its twofold anchorage in ignorance and craving.
med-guided2.pdfGuided Meditation for Primary Students4370 viewsBuddhaNet's Buddhist Studies for Schools

This is a series of guided meditations with instruction for teachers for primary students. This file is part of BuddhaNet's Buddhist Studies for Schools. It has seven guided meditations for students, with detailed instructions for teachers.
brahmavihara.pdfBrahmavihara Dhamma4340 viewsVen. Mahasi Sayadaw

This Brahmavihara Dhamma (Divine Abidings) expounded by the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, reveals the systematic method of developing Metta, loving-kindness towards all beings and the way to lead a life of holiness. The style of presentation and the informative materials contained therein stand witness to the depth and wealth of spiritual and scriptural knowledge of the eminent author. A careful reading of this Dhamma or teachings, followed by an unfailing practice of meditation that has been clearly presented in this text will, I believe, amount to storing a fortune in the shape of happiness in the present lifetime as well as higher spiritual attainment.
5_Hindrances_02ed_28Buddhanet29.pdfMahaSatipatthana Sutta:Establishment of Mindfulness on 5 Hindrances4291 viewsIn this book, Bro James explained how to establish mindfulness on these 5 Hindrances and why it is important to do so. Written as if spoken in simple Malaysian English, he continued to draw upon his personal experience to explain and supplement the exposition of the Discourse. Connecting the dots between Text and life, he illustrates it with modern day scenarios enabling us to see how the practice is applied – in both formal practice and daily life today.
MEDITATE_365.pdfMEDITATE 365 4213 viewsBrother Pho Quan has made a detailed meditation offering, covering the entire spectrum of Buddhist practice from beginners to full wisdom. Following Insight Meditation as detailed in the Theravada Pali Canon, a guided meditation per day is shared over an entire year.

The book is in a PDF file format with 12 chapters covering the 12 months of the year. With each month a particular Buddhist theme is highlighted (i.e. impermanence, non-self, the Four Noble Truths, Conditions Arising, etc.). At the left side bar of the eBook page as well as the table of contents are links taking the reader to each monthly themed section of meditations.
63 files on 7 page(s) 3

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