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Most viewed - Buddhist Meditation
Whitge-Lotus-Ascetic1-106.pdfThe White Lotus Ascetic (Text)2072 viewsAbout fifty years ago, the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw of Myanmar introduced the technique of focusing one’s attention on the ‘rising and falling’ movement of the abdomen as an object to develop mindfulness. Thus meditators practise Satipatthana developing momentary concentration to achieve purification of mind, without the need to develop mundane jhana. Satipatthana Vipassana meditation became very popular among monks as well as the laity and many new Vipassana meditation centers sprang up all over the world to cater to the growing demand.
Info-Meditation-Centers-Sri-Lanka2013.pdfInformation about Meditation Centers in Sri Lanka - 20131778 viewsThere are many monasteries and meditation centers in Sri Lanka, but only few of these are suitable for foreigners who are new to Sri Lanka and only stay for a short time. The following information is specifically intended for them. Both males and females can stay in all of these places, albeit separate.
Monasteries-Meditation-Centres-Sri-Lanka2013.pdfBuddhist Forest Monasteries and Meditation Centres in Sri Lanka 1334 viewsUpdated: April 2013

In Sri Lanka there are many forest hermitages and meditation centres suitable for foreign Buddhist monastics or for experienced lay Buddhists. The following information is particularly intended for Western bhikkhus, those who aspire to become bhikkhus, and those who are experienced lay practitioners.
63 files on 7 page(s) 7

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