Most viewed - Vipassana & Loving-kindness Meditation |

4.mp3The Interview - What to Report819 viewsPracticing Vipassana 04: What to Report in an Interview.

7.mp3Support of Loving-kindness808 viewsPracticing Vipassana 07: The Support of Loving-kindness Meditation.

x44.mp3Working with Feelings and Emotions802 viewsIt is difficult for a meditator to make progress in Vipassana meditation until he or she has come to terms with feelings and emotions, as the practice itself, at least in the early stages, can bring up intense and persistent feelings and their associated emotions. So this talk deals with how to work with your feelings and emotions in meditation.

6.mp3Questions and Responses798 viewsPracticing Vipassana 06: Questions and Responses

x33.mp3Stress Reduction through Vipassana Meditation795 viewsWhat are you going to do about one's stress levels? Maybe you can choose to opt out of the rat race or perhaps retire to the countryside, the ‘tree change’. However, we don’t have to do any of these; we don’t have to remove ourselves from the situation and circumstances we happen to be in. The intelligent way to handle an out of control situation that is creating stress is to use skilful means such as meditation practices to manage the mind and one’s reactions.

x55.mp3Working with Thinking and Pain794 viewsAt the beginning of the practice at least, a lot of meditators are much troubled by their thoughts as well as painful body sensations. Pain from the sitting posture is workable, as the cause comes from not being accustomed to the crossed legged sitting posture. Thinking is more of a challenge, as it requires patience and skill to come to terms with it.

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