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Most viewed - Vipassana & Loving-kindness Meditation
03_Framework-for-practice.mp3(3) Framework for the Practice2808 viewsThe Framework for the Practice is based on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta): Body, Feelings, Mind States, and Mind Objects.
06walking.mp3Mindful Standing and Walking2795 viewsMindful Standing and Walking, provides simple instructions for mindful standing and walking. It is very slow. After the listener is familiar with the instructions they can then apply them to faster walking without the aid of the audio file.
08_Paying-attention-feelings.mp3(8) Paying Attention to Feelings2774 viewsThe Buddha said: "All things converge in Feelings", so paying attention to feelings, whether they are pleasant, unpleasant or indifferent is the is the primary focus in Vipassana meditation.
05mindfulness.mp3Mindfulness of Sound and Thought2633 viewsMindfulness of sound and thought, firstly instructs on how to use sound as an object of meditation then asks the listener to shift attention to thoughts. The second part of this track is more instruction on how to manage difficult thoughts when they arise rather than a guided meditation.
08awareness.mp3Open Awareness2620 viewsOpen awareness. It is a practice where there are no specific objects of awareness other than awareness itself or the changing objects of awareness. If this practice is helpful utilise it. If it is not helpful put it aside for another time.
05_Working-with-thinking-pain.mp3(5) Working with Thinking and Pain2617 viewsWorking with Thinking and Pain in meditation, explains how to relate to pain and the ability to handle the "Thinking Mind" skilfully.
10_At-six-sense-doors.mp3(10) At the Six-Sense Doors2325 viewsThis is an orientation to Sense Doors or sense spheres: i.e. the five senses as well as the mind itself.
06_Minds-latent-tendencies.mp3(6) The Mind's Latent Tendencies2302 viewsHere we are dealing with the mind's unwholesome predispositions and how to work with them from the point of view of meditation practices, epsecially Vipassana meditation.
File02_(AM)_Introducing_Mahasi_method.mp3Introducing Mahasi Method2246 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)

Today we introduce the method of meditation we are practising during this retreat. Yesterday morning we just brought a sense of open curiosity to the examination of mind/body experience. This morning we are applying system to this investigation, stimulating what the Buddha calls yoniso manasikara, “appropriate attention.” We do this through the meditation method created by Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma (1904-1982), which is structured by his division of experience into primary and secondary object, along with the fundamental activities of noting, naming and noticing.
track01_introduction-to-meditation.mp3(01) Vipassana Meditation Retreat2237 viewsTrack01 Introduction to Meditation - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
The opening evening talk during an intensive Vipassana(Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, by the abbot and meditation master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.
99 files on 10 page(s) 2

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