Most viewed - Dhamma Talks and Teachings |

Track06_Dont_Take_It_Personally_21_Sep_2000_Ajahn_Sumedho.mp3Don't Take It Personally760 views

10_Abhidhamma.mp3Was Gotama Buddha Bald?760 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.

08_Abhidhamma.mp3Usage of "Bodhisattava" and Absence of "Parami" in Early Pali Scriptures758 viewsEnquiring into the origins, purpose and limitations of the Abhidhamma.

Track08_Awakened_Awarenes_And_Saying_Goodbye_26_Feb_2002_Ajahn_Sumedho.mp3Awakened Awareness And Saying Goodbye749 views

heart_ten.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Ten)743 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Ten)

Track07_Reflecting_on_Consciousness_17_Jul_2001_Ajahn_Sumedho.mp3Reflecting on Consciousness742 views

heart_seven.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Seven)737 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Seven)

11_Kamma_Aggacitta.mp311. Conclusion694 viewsTo what extent do we believe in kamma? The fine line between fatalism and belief in kamma. An edited Dhamma discourse given by Ven. Ayasama Aggacitta.

11_Abhidhamma.mp3Was Siddhattha Gotama a prince?623 viewsQuestions and Answer with Ven. Aysama Aggacitta.

Sallekha_Sutta_11_XI_Mahasi_Sayadaw_p96-108.mp3Sallekha Sutta - A Discourse on the Refinement of Character622 views11. Visakha
Sallekha Sutta by Mahasi Sayadaw, Translated by U Aye Maung (read by Ven. Rakkhita)
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