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120801-LRR-32k-Prayers-Refuge_Bodhichitta-Mandarin.mp3Refuge and Bodhichitta - Mandarin1448 viewsMandarin chanting by Ven. Sophia.55555
(1 votes)
Understanding_the_Chinese_Buddhist_Temple.pdfUnderstanding the Chinese Buddhist Temple3601 viewsThis book is a collection of annotated photos taken in 2009 and 2010 at Ching Kwok Chinese Buddhist Temple, located in Toronto, Ontario. The significant contribution of “Understanding the Chinese Buddhist Temple” is to reveal the key concepts embedded within the numerous objects common to Chinese Buddhist shrines, as well as the layout of the temple, in an engaging manner that combines photographic representations with explanations. The book is suitable for anyone interested in Chinese Buddhism and culture.55555
(7 votes)
Recollections.pdfThe Ten Recollections - A Study Guide3898 viewsThe ten recollections are a set of meditation themes that highlight the positive role that memory and thought play in training the mind. They employ memory to sensitize the mind to the need for training, to induce feelings of confidence and well-being conducive for concentration, to keep the topics of concentration in mind, to produce tranquility and insight, and to incline the mind toward the deathless when tranquility and insight have grown sufficiently strong.55555
(7 votes)
The_Sangha_-_Photos_by_Friedrich_Reg.pdfSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community3199 viewsDocumentary Photos by Friedrich Reg55555
(6 votes)
Forest_Dhamma.pdfForest Dhamma: A Selection of Talks on Buddhist Practice3431 viewsTraining the heart to attain happiness is the way that all the Buddhas proclaimed to be the right and true way. When our hearts never have time to rest and attain calm, they are not fundamentally different from those of animals. But when our hearts rest, relax and receive training, we will be able to see the harmful affects of thinking and imagining, and turbulence they cause in the heart. Then we will come to see the value of a calm heart. Once we have attained a state of mental calm, we will have reached the first stage of Dhamma, which will lead us steadily onwards. In other words, we will have a firmly established faith in the principles of Dhamma...55555
(5 votes)
120801-LRR-32k-Prayers-The_Seven_Limbs-Tibetan.mp3The Seven Limb Prayer - Tibetan2342 viewsEnglish and Tibetan chanting by Ven. Sarah Thresher
(5 votes)
Between_The_Lines_Vol2_By_Sylvia_Bay_2015.pdfBetween The Lines (Volume 2) An analytical appreciation of the Buddha's Life 3238 viewsThis book seeks to bring the historical Buddha back into the popular psyche. That story is as intriguing, and is perhaps even more inspiring than the best fantasy story that had ever been woven.55555
(4 votes)
Wisdom_Develops_Samadhi.pdfWisdom Develops Samadhi5130 viewsAnapanasati Bhavana (developing the awareness of breathing) uses the breath as the objective support of the heart and consists in knowing and mindfulness (sati) of in and out breathing. In becoming aware of breathing, one should at first fix attention on the feeling of the breath at the nose or the palate (roof of the mouth), as it suits one, because this is where the breath initially makes contact, and one may use this as a marker point for holding one's attention. Having done this until one has become skilled, and the in and out breathing becomes finer and finer, one will progressively come to know and understand the nature of the contact of in and out breathing, until it seems that the breathing is located either in the middle of the chest or the solar plexus. After this one must just fix one's attention on breathing at that place and one must no longer be concerned about fixing attention on the breathing at the tip of the nose or the palate, nor about following it in and out with awareness…55555
(4 votes)
Bhutan_30.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (49)1609 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
(4 votes)
120801-LRR-32k-Prayers-HHDL_Long_Life-Tibetan.mp3Long Life Prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama - Tibetan1916 viewsEnglish and Tibetan chanting by Ven. Sarah Thresher
Mandarin chanting by Ven. Sophia.
(4 votes)
982 files on 99 page(s) 10

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