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01__Eight_Great_Places_Part_1.pdfThe Eight Great Places of Buddhist Pilgrimage 011846 views1. PDF: As more and more Buddhists begin to realize the importance of performing a pilgrimage following the Buddha’s exhortation, the need for a simple guidebook becomes evident. The basic four pilgrimage sites (Lumbini, Bodhgaya, Sarnath and Kushinagar) were increased in terms of the great events of the Buddha’s life to eight by adding four more places considered to be the scenes of four principal miracles that he performed, namely: (i) The Twin Miracle in Sravasti, (ii) Descent from Heaven in Sankasia (iii) Taming of the drunken elephant, Nalagiri in Rajgir and (iv) Offering of honey by a monkey in Vaishali.     (5 votes)

Bhutan0016.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (07) 2464 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
     (5 votes)

120801-LRR-32k-Prayers-The_Seven_Limbs-English.mp3The Seven Limb Prayer - English2275 viewsEnglish chanting by Ven. Sarah Thresher
     (5 votes)

01_Vesak_Track.mp31. Hail Glorious Day1324 viewsThe full moon day of Vesak month - the holiest day in the Buddhist calendar commemorates the birth, enlightenment and passing away of the historical Gautama Buddha. These songs depict the joy of worshippers in act of worship besides recalling the glorious events that took place during the three important events of the Buddha's life.     (4 votes)

Bhutan_01.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (22) 2419 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
     (4 votes)

beyond_tolerance_and_pleasure.pdfBeyond Tolerance and Pleasure2288 views     (2 votes)

12_Kamma_Aggacitta.mp312. What is consciousness?839 viewsTo what extent do we believe in kamma? The fine line between fatalism and belief in kamma. An edited Dhamma discourse given by Ven. Ayasama Aggacitta - with Q & A     (2 votes)

Buddha_in_his_words.pdfThe Buddha’s Teaching In His Own Words 1909 viewsThe present Wheel booklet contains Chapter 12 of Bhikkhu Nanmoli’s classic compilation, The Life of the Buddha according to the Pali Canon. The purpose of that book, now in print for 27 years, had been to construct a biography of the Buddha by piecing together all the relevant material scattered throughout the Vinaya and the Sutta Pitakas. Since the Buddha’s life was in many respects inseparable from his teaching, Ven. Nanamoli had included, in the middle of the book, an anthology of texts dealing with the teaching, which he entitled “The Doctrineâ€.     (2 votes)

07_Matrimony.mp37. My Home (Songs)1018 views     (2 votes)

24_Vesak_Track.mp324. In Praise of Thee707 views     (2 votes)
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