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beingssutra.pdfThe Sutra on the Eight Realizations4302 views"The content of The Sutra on the Eight Realizations is grounded in both Mahayana and Theravada viewpoints. Please treasure this Sutra. When I was seventeen, and in my first year of novice studies at a Buddhist Monastery, I had to study and memorize it. This enabled me to easily combine the meaning of the Sutra with meditation of breath counting. From this period until now, 44 years have passed and this Sutra is still an invaluable torch lighting my path. Today I have the opportunity to present it to you. I am grateful to this deep and miraculous Sutra. I join my hands and respectfully recite, "Homage to the precious Sutra on the Eight Realizations."      (3 votes)

06_Matrimony.mp36. A Buddhist Wedding Song (Songs)2186 views     (3 votes)

IMG0009.jpgMonk in the Mountain Forest, Emei Shan, China1774 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community     (3 votes)

08Taking_the_Practice_Home.pdfTaking the Practice Home2754 viewsIf meditation is to have any relevance to everyday life it has to be done at home. This does not mean just your residence but wherever your attention happens to reside. To meditate at home requires a 'hands-on', dynamic approach that is not restricted to any particular time, place or posture. When applied in this way, it becomes integrated into the ordinary activities of life and becomes the basis for a meditative lifestyle in the home and the routine of everyday life.     (3 votes)

02Orientation_to_the_Practice.pdfOrientation to the Practice3251 viewsWhether this is a first time experience of Vipassana meditation or you are a meditator who has experience in this mode of practice, every meditator at the beginning of a retreat will need to make some adjustment to the retreat situation - at least in having to settle down and get into the rhythm of the practice. First, let us look how one relates to a retreat situation and the way to adjust to the retreat environment, before the basic instructions are given.     (3 votes)

Bhutan_37.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (54) 1585 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
     (3 votes)

Bhutan0015.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (06) 2574 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
     (3 votes)

23_Track_23.mp3THE BLESSED REFUGES1467 viewsO Blessed One! The greatest of mankind,
Thou Gracious Master, filled with love divine,
Gracious Thy life, so sweat, so great, so pure,
Thou mighty Light, Thou Blessed One as dear.
Lord, at Thy feet I seat myself to learn,
The wisdom of Thy Life and Law,
Plainly I see the Truth which Thou doest teach;
Sorrow and pain and self shall be no more.
Into my heart there comes a lasting peace,
Within my mind there glows a wondrous light.
All tears and sorrow, doubts and worries cease,
For Truth and joy Thy glorious Teaching brings.
I take my refuge in The Glorious Lord,
No other shelter shall I need,
I take my refuge in the Law and Sangha,
Which freedom bring and Light forevermore.
     (9 votes)

a_brief_introduction_to_the_buddha_dhamma.pdfA Brief Introduction to the Buddha-Dhamma3212 views     (4 votes)

03-chant-03.mp303 Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting2155 views03 Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting     (4 votes)
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