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11white_lotus.jpgWhite Lotus 111985 viewsWhite Lotus 1133333
(4 votes)
73_knowledges.pdfSeventy-Three Kinds of Knowledge2962 viewsVen. Nyanadassana, Bhikkhu

Since these knowledges are, as a Summary, very briefly stated,the present translation has explanatory notes in order to facilitate the reader understand them, at least intellectually, more easily. These explanations are based on the Pañisambhid -magga, the Visuddhi-magga and their corresponding Commentaries, and their references are clearly distinguished. The translation of each knowledge
is repeated in the Notes, in bold, for convenient reading.
(4 votes)
volition.pdfVolition and the Law of Kamma1874 viewsWhat is kamma? The Buddha said: "Oh monks, it is volition that I call kamma." The popular meaning of kamma is action or doing, but as a technical term, kamma means volition or will. When you do something, there is volition behind it, and that volition, that mental effort, is called kamma. The Buddha explained that, having willed, one then acts through body, speech, and mind. Whatever you do, there is some kind of kamma, mental effort, will, and volition. Volition is one of the fifty-two mental states which arise together with consciousness.33333
(4 votes)
bd_students.pdfBuddha Dhamma for University Students8126 viewsThis book is the results of two talks given by Ajahn Buddhadasa in January 1966 to students at Thammasat University, Bangkok. Ajahn Buddhadasa always has tried to set both young and old straight as to what Buddhism really teaches. He goes back to the original principles pointed out by the Buddha, explaining these simply and directly, and showing that their relevance is timeless.33333
(13 votes)
prajparagen2.pdfThe Diamond Sutra7163 viewsThis sutra says, One should produce a heart without dwelling anywhere. The Sixth Patriarch, the Great Master Hui, heard that sentence and awakened to the Way. Any dwelling of the heart is no dwelling. Therefore, the Larger Chapters say, If one dwells in dharmas, he does not dwell in prajna paramita. If one does not dwell in dharmas, he dwells in prajna paramita. That is why every one of the Great Prajna assemblies begins with an explanation of not dwelling.33333
(13 votes)
Episode_01.flvBhuriddata Jataka: Episode 1 Series 19498 viewsHistory of the Naga Prince name Bhuridatta.
(Thai audio, with English and Chinese subtitles)
(31 votes)
08pinklotus04.jpgPink Lotus 042299 viewsPink Lotus 0433333
(9 votes)
chandew.pdfThe Sweet Dews of Ch'an5103 viewsReverend Cheng Kuan

Ch'an or Zen is the outcome of meditation. There are two 'right'or 'highest' purposes of Ch'an. The first purpose is to achieve Dhyana. Dhyana is a combination of relaxation, concentration and calmness or tranquility. The second purpose is, using your very composed and tranquil mind, to observe clearly all the dharmas or phenomena externally and internally. As an outcome of Dhyana, you will be able to observe these phenomena very clearly because your mental mirror is very clear, for there are no more disturbances to veil it. Out of these observations will come Transcendental Wisdom, which in Sanskrit is called Prajna.
(9 votes)
07_Track_7.mp3WHEEL OF LIFE3224 viewsHow high is the mountain,
How deep is the sea,
How long will man learn to live.
How blue is the ocean.
How green is the leaf.
How long will man learn to be free.

For you shall not go
Round and round again
In the wheel of life;
And you shall not go
Down and down again,
With your fruitless strive.

How long is the night
To the sleepless one,
Waiting for the morn to come,
How long is the road.
To the weary one,
Carrying on the route that he can’t

(CHORUS and repeat verse 1)
(14 votes)
animagnt.pdfAnimal Magnetism15544 viewsThis booklet is a good reminder to us, so that we always strive in the right direction. Practice is the only way. Even though faith and devotion to one's teacher can be a positive thing, we must always remember that an excessive faith is accompanied by corresponding deficiency of wisdom.33333
(19 votes)
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