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fourelements.pdfMindfulness of Breathing and the Four Elements Meditation5695 viewsVen. Pa-Auk Sayadaw
This book contains the instructions for mindfulness-of-breathing meditation, the four-elements meditation, and the subsequent detailed discernment of materiality. The last section of this book covers some of the relevant theory. Several pages have been added by the Sayadaw covering the balancing of the five controlling faculties and seven factors of enlightenment. There is also the addition of his explanation of the difference between the experience of Nibbana and the experience of life.     (13 votes)

02_Track_2.mp3Climb the Path with Gladness6651 viewsClimb the Path with gladness,
In the field of life,
Vanquishing illusion,
Ignorance and strife.
Brotherhood and service,
Shall our motto be,
And the goal before us,
Truth and liberty.
We will teach Thy Dharma,
Wheresoe’re we go
Wisdom, Love, Compassion,
In our actions show.
We must stand together
Fighting side by side,
Truth is undivided
This must be our guide.
All divisions vanish
Where the Truth is known,
This the greatest lesson
By Lord Buddha shown.
Forward marching ever
In the Dharma’s might,
Till we lead the nations
     (43 votes)

Chief_Part1.movChief - Documentary on Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda (Part 1)4237 viewsFor more than half a century, K Sri Dhammananda has been a leading light in disseminating Buddhism in Malaysia. Although there are different schools of Buddhism practiced in this country, such is his deep impact on the community that he is affectionately known by all as Chief Venerable, or just "Chief". This short film offers a glimpse of Chief's remarkable life and work.      (16 votes)

8_symbols.jpgThe Eight Auspicious Symbols6728 viewsThe Eight Auspicious Symbols     (20 votes)

3_teach.pdfThree Teachings7256 viewsTenzin Palmo's Teachings on Retreat, Mahamudra and Mindfulness are a delight to read. Transcribed from talks she gave in Singapore in May 1999, the teachings are delivered in plain language, seasoned with plenty of audience participation. Each subject is discussed with humour, liveliness and compassion. She has the great gift of showing how to put the Dharma into every part of our everyday lives. Born in London in 1993, Tenzin Palmo traveled to India and was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1964. Her 12-year retreat in a cave high in the Himalayas, described in the book 'Cave in the Snow', focused international attention on the role of women and their spirituality in the Buddhist context.     (22 votes)

01_sitting_in_stillness.pdf01 Sitting in Stilness10117 viewsPatrick Kearney
Introducing meditation practice, the concepts of serenity and insight, and the cultivation of stillness.     (31 votes)

04_Track_4.mp3RIGHT THOUGHT3890 viewsRight thought will lead me on
To wisdom’s holy height,
And show to me the surest way,
To pass through sorrow’s night.
Right Thought will light me through
The shadows of this life;
“Twill ease my heart and peace assure,
And free my mind from strife.
Right Thought will be my guide
Across life’s troubled sea;
My pilot, compass, star and chart,
Right Thought shall ever be.
Right Thought will keep me on
The way to perfect peace,
And ferry to other shore,
Where all Illusions cease.
     (16 votes)

beingssutra.pdfSutra on the Eight Great Realization of Great Beings10213 viewsWholeheartedly, day and night, a disciple of the Buddha should recite and meditate on the Eight Realizations discovered by the Mahasattvas, the Great Beings - Commentary by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh.     (22 votes)

06_the_mahasi_method.pdf06 Introducing the Mahasi Method5318 viewsPatrick Kearney
This is an introduction to the method of insight meditation developed by Mahasi Sayadaw of Myanmar which sums up our introduction to serenity and insight by examining a particular approach to insight meditation.      (15 votes)

05_watching_the_mind-stream.pdf05 Contemplating the Thought Stream4487 viewsPatrick Kearney
Contemplating the thought stream. This week we learn to use the thoughts flowing through the mind as a meditation object, and so redefine our relationship to distraction.     (11 votes)
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