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Sallekha_Sutta_10_X_Mahasi_Sayadaw_p86-96.mp3Sallekha Sutta - A Discourse on the Refinement of Character900 views10. Male Chastity

Sallekha Sutta by Mahasi Sayadaw, Translated by U Aye Maung (read by Ven. Rakkhita)
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IMG0040.jpgCollecting Alms in Chiangmai, Thailand790 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community33333
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IMG0038.jpgEating Ceremony of the Forest Monks, Thailand845 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community33333
(1 votes)
IMG0037.jpgNyanaponika Maha Thera Forest Hermitage 1991 Kandy, Sri Lanka1317 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community33333
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IMG0025.jpgBuddha Amitabha at The Fo Kuang Shang Monastery, Taiwan877 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community33333
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IMG0015.jpgJapanese Pilgrim Rajgir, India1001 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community33333
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IMG0013.jpgBhikkhus in Sri Lanka1083 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community33333
(1 votes)
x11.mp3Difficulties Facing Meditators - and How To Work With Them1044 viewsWhile they can be challenging, the problems and difficulties that one comes across in meditation practice can work to one’s advantage, as they are 'workable'. As in life, what we experience as difficulties in meditation can be the cause of growth in the Dharma. This series of talks offers practical advice on how to work with common difficulties face by meditators.33333
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1.mp3Practicing Vipassana1460 viewsPracticing Vipassana Meditation 01: Introduction33333
(1 votes)
2.mp3Orientation to the Practice 1030 viewsPracticing Vipassana 02: Orientation to the Practice 33333
(1 votes)
982 files on 99 page(s) 58

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