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1lotus01.jpgSacred Lotus 018684 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Sacred Lotus 01     (7 votes)

35_buddha02.jpg35 Buddhas Thangkas 23277 views35 Buddhas Thangkas 2     (7 votes)

06_memory,thought___consciousness.mp3Ajahn Maha Boowa Discourses (06)1886 viewsMemory, Thought, Consciousness
These Teachings are free gifts of Dhamma and may not be offered for sale.      (7 votes)

seeding.pdfSeeding the Heart3218 viewsGregory Kramer
Loving-kindness Meditation with Children. The practice of loving-kindness, or metta, can be done in one of two ways: either in intensive prolonged meditation to develop deep states of concentration, or in daily life at any time one meets with people and animals or thinks about them. To learn about the radiating of metta to all beings with children, we have to tap into the store of knowledge accumulated by lay people and parents. It must be knowledge which has grown out of years of living and loving with children and young adults. Gregory Kramer, father of three boys, shows us here with what subtle but precise adjustments in the standard practice of loving-kindness he was able to anchor it in the lives of his children.     (7 votes)

18_Track_18.mp3TRUTH WITHIN YOU1380 viewsCome my brothers get together,
Sing the praise of your Lord,
He bath found the cure of sadness,
Gladly hearken to His word.
He bath taught the Law triumphant,
And this law shall set you free,
In His universal Sangha,
Ye shall find true liberty.
One are you with all that liveth,
Race and caste no more shell bind,
Brotherhood without distinction,
In the Buddha’s Greed you’ll find.
Mediate upon His Dharma,
In your lives these teachings show,
That the nations all around you,
May the Buddha’s greatness know.
Cultivate the Truth within you,
It will bring you joy and peace,
And the strife that are around you,
From them you shell find release.
Realise your Buddha nature,
And Nirvana you shall see,
In its tranquil peace undying,
You shall live eternally.     (7 votes)

Episode_02.flvBhuriddata Jataka: Episode 2 Series 12741 viewsJataka Buddhist Tale: History of the Naga Prince name Bhuridatta.
(Thai audio, with English and Chinese subtitles)     (10 votes)

sakya_bios.pdfBiographies of Sachen Kunga Nyingpo & H.H. The 41st Sakya Trizin3123 viewsThis book on the biographies of the Great Sachen Kunga Nyingpo and the current lineage holder of the Sakya sect in Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin, has been compiled by Ratna Vajra Sakya, Dolma Lhama and Lama Jampa Losel. It includes photographic material of the His Holiness Sakya Trizin.     (10 votes)

02calming.mp3Calming the Body with the Breath5596 viewsCalming the body with the breath, describes a mindfulness of breath exercise coupled with relaxation. This is a basic Calm meditation practice and it generally helps to cultivate concentration, calm and relaxation.      (22 votes)

vietchant01.mp3Vietnamese Chanting2421 viewsVietnamese Chanting     (12 votes)

00relaxation.mp3Progressive Relaxation9135 viewsProgressive Relaxation gives guidance for a common muscle tension and release exercise often used for stress management. And is useful as a preparatory exercise before meditation.     (54 votes)
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