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60songs.pdfSixty Songs of Milarepa3228 viewsThe songs printed here all concern that Dharma which is common to the whole Buddhist tradition. Among the Bhikkhus living in the Buddha's time, Vangisa Thera was outstanding for his inspired utterances (see Samyutta Nik.I.viii; Theragatha 395). The mind inspired and illumined with the knowledge of liberation pours forth its wisdom with ease in the shape of verses of great beauty and deep significance. Such was the case with Lord Buddha and some of his immediate disciples, and later, such was the case with Milarepa.     (7 votes)

dietolive.pdfDying to Live2559 viewsThere are different views and beliefs about what happens after death. Tibetan (Vajrayana) and Chinese (Mahayana) Buddhists believe that after death, the spirit of the dead person passes through an intermediate period (bardo in Tibetan, zhong yin in Mandarin)- which may last for as long as forty-nine days - during which it undergoes a series of unearthly, extraordinary experiences, including a "small death" at the end of each week, before it is finally reborn into another realm of existence. In contrast, orthodox Theravada Buddhism, which is the earliest extant record of Gotama Buddha's teaching, asserts that rebirth takes place immediately after death.     (7 votes)

bud-myanmar.pdfBuddhism in Myanmar - A Short History4346 viewsThis book traces the earliest contact with Buddhism in Mayanmar (Burma); the Mon and Pyu Kingdoms. Theravada Buddhism comes to Pagan; Pagan: its flowering and decline. The Shan rule. The Mayanmar build an Empire. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.     (8 votes)

BT03A.MP3Lecture 3. (a) The True Nature of Existence2831 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.     (10 votes)

04-chant-04.mp3Panca Sila - The Five Precept2700 viewsVandana: Pali Devotional Chanting
Track No. 04
Compiled and recited by Venerable Indaratana Maha Thera     (8 votes)

11_Support-loving-kindness.mp3(11) The Support of Loving-Kindness1869 viewsLoving-kindness as a concentration based meditation is used to uplift and sweeten the mind, which compliments the Vipassana practice.      (6 votes)

06_Minds-latent-tendencies.mp3(6) The Mind's Latent Tendencies2305 viewsHere we are dealing with the mind's unwholesome predispositions and how to work with them from the point of view of meditation practices, epsecially Vipassana meditation.
     (6 votes)

BT06A.MP3Lecture 6. (a) Nibbana1548 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.     (6 votes)

Amithaba001.jpgAmithabha Buddha012614 viewsAMITABHA: Buddha of Boundless Light of the Western Paradise     (6 votes)

19_Track_19.mp3THE FLOWER OF MANKIND1365 viewsRohini rippled its water
Tinged with the moonlit tide,
Mountainous high sumeru
Gazed on with wondering pride.
Planets in their starry orbits
Stopped for a while in pace,
Gods in their shaken heavens
Down to the earth they race.
Birds in their flaming feathers,
Beasts in their vest of Gold,
Fish on the water’s surface
Make themselves dare be bold.
Skies grey have lost their darkness,
Silver’s moon shines in state,
Lotuses open in glory,
Honouring Gautama great!
He’s sunder’s life’s big secret,
He’s measur’d life’s big dawn,
He knows the way and watchword,
Flower of Mankind is born!
     (6 votes)
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