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Bhutan0011.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (03) 2797 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
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File13_Preparing_the_fire.mp3Preparing the Fire880 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
Tonight we follow the Buddha from Baranasi back to the area where he practised before his awakening, the Nerañjara River near Gaya. First, at Baranasi, the Buddha awakens Yasa, the son of a rich banker. This is the first time the Buddha awakens a lay person, proving the dharma can be understood by the laity as well as by professional ascetics; and the first time the Buddha gives a “graduated discourse,†which becomes the basic template of his teaching method. Yet this is not counted as the third teaching. Why not?
After his successes in Baranasi the Buddha goes alone to visit Uruvela Kassapa, the important head of an order of dreadlocks ascetics. He spends at least a month performing miracles to convert Kassapa and his followers. Why was Kassapa so important? Finally the Buddha leads the newly converted ascetics to Gayasisa, near Gaya, to give them the third teaching, Adittapariyaya Sutta (Burning …).      (2 votes)

File12_(AM)_Contemplating_citta.mp3Contemplating Citta920 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
This morning we are looking at how we can track the state of our citta. Citta is a key technical term used by the Buddha. It could be translated as “mind,†“heart,†“heart-mind,†or even “soul,†in the non-theological sense of that word. In the context of our practice, citta represents our inner state; how we are, at this time. It is intimately connected to the body, and is in a state of constant change. While the state of our citta may be quite subtle, often we are moved to contemplate it when we find ourselves disturbed by emotion. Here we discuss using emotion as a meditation object.      (2 votes)

File10_(AM)_Contemplating_the_thought-stream.mp3Contemplating the Thought-stream1178 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
Our addiction to thinking creates a major barrier to settling into Samadhi, “unification†or “concentration.†Often we try to push thought away, or simply endure it as an unpleasant fact of life. But the essence of this practice, according to Mahasi Sayadaw, is to note, or be deliberately aware of, whatever is predominant in any of the six sense fields, now. If thinking is currently predominant, then thinking should be our meditation      (2 votes)

File08_(AM)_Contemplating_feeling.mp3Contemplatingt Feeling1068 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
This morning we move onto the third satipatthana, that of vedana, usually translated “feeling.†We explore what we mean by feeling, and try to come to an understanding of what the Buddha means by “vedana.†Vedana can be seen as the affective aspect of experience, the capacity of any given experience to move us in some way — to provoke a response. For the Buddha, feeling and response are inextricably linked. To understand what we do, we must understand what — and how — we feel.
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File06_(AM)_Contemplating_breathing.mp3Contemplating Breathing1085 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
This morning we experiment with breathing as our meditation object. We learn to experience breathing as air element (vayo dhatu) — the movements within the body associated with inhalation and exhalation — and cultivate a sense of detail and precision in tracking these movements.      (2 votes)

Ksitigarbha04.jpgKsitigarbha Bodhisattva041638 viewsKsitigarbha Bodhisattva or in Chinese: Ti Tsang P'usa
Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists.     (2 votes)

Ksitigarbha05.jpgKsitigarbha Bodhisattva051460 viewsKsitigarbha Bodhisattva or in Chinese: Ti Tsang P'usa
Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists.     (2 votes)

wz-fish-lotus.jpgFish Lotus5674 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Fish Lotus     (2 votes)

pictograph06.jpgPictograph064698 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Pictograph06     (2 votes)
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