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13_living_in_the_forest.mp3Ajahn Maha Boowa Discourses (13)948 views13. Living in the Forest
This audio selection of the discourses of Ajahn Maha Boowa, were translated into English and recorded by Ajahn Suchaat at Wat Pa Bann Taad, Thailand.
These Teachings are free gifts of Dhamma and may not be offered for sale.      (3 votes)

11_the_importance_of_mindfulness.mp3Ajahn Maha Boowa Discourses (11)1093 views11. The Importance of Mindfulness
This audio selection of the discourses of Ajahn Maha Boowa, were translated into English and recorded by Ajahn Suchaat at Wat Pa Bann Taad, Thailand.
These Teachings are free gifts of Dhamma and may not be offered for sale.      (3 votes)

09_the_cause_of_dukkha.mp3Ajahn Maha Boowa Discourses (09)1417 views09. The Cause of Dukkha
This audio selection of the discourses of Ajahn Maha Boowa, were translated into English and recorded by Ajahn Suchaat at Wat Pa Bann Taad, Thailand.
These Teachings are free gifts of Dhamma and may not be offered for sale.      (3 votes)

08_the_asubha_practice.mp3Ajahn Maha Boowa Discourses (08)1379 views08. The Asubha Practice
This audio selection of the discourses of Ajahn Maha Boowa, were translated into English and recorded by Ajahn Suchaat at Wat Pa Bann Taad, Thailand.
These Teachings are free gifts of Dhamma and may not be offered for sale.
     (3 votes)

iabu_journal.pdfThe Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities1705 viewsThe journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities     (3 votes)

heart_two.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Two)1115 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Two)     (3 votes)

05_cetana.pdf05 Dependent Arising - Cetana2875 viewsPatrick Kearney
How consciousness emerges into delusion - or liberation     (3 votes)

bhikkhuni_patimokkha.pdfThe Bhikkhuni Patimokkha of the Six Schools3106 viewsDr. Chatsumarn Kabilsingh has translated the monastic rules of Buddhist nuns or the Patimokkha of the Six Schools, which will help us to learn and compare Theravada, Mahasanghika, Mahisasaka, Sarvastivada, Dhamagupta and Mula-Sarvastivada. The study of the patimokkha also provides insight into the historical context from which the rules took place. This translation will also provide valuable material for concerned Buddhist scholars.     (3 votes)

09_Investigating-bodys-reality.mp3(9) Investigating the Body's Reality2006 viewsInvestigating the Body's Reality is based on the Buddha's words in the Dhammapada: "They awaken, always wide awake: Gautama Buddha's disciples whose mindfulness, both day and night, is constantly immersed in the body". Dhp 299      (5 votes)

M14_Buddha2.mp3The Buddha (Part 2)1021 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: The Buddha (Part 2) (46 mins)     (5 votes)
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