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03_texts_and_practices.pdfTexts and Practices2705 views
The Suttas are chants, and are full of repetitions. When we look at the patterns of repetitions we discover something quite familiar to us: verses and chorus. Let us take some path text and use it to illustrate the problem we are talking about, and suggest another way of reading these texts that takes into account their oral structure as outlined above: Atthakanagara Sutta (M52) and Culasunnata Sutta: Smaller discourse on emptiness (M121)     (3 votes)

wheel-banner.jpgDharma Wheel Banner6224 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Dharma Wheel Banner     (2 votes)

lohan17.jpgLohan: NANTIMITOLO1768 viewsLegend has it that the first portraits of the 18 Lohans were painted by a Buddhist
monk Guan Xiu, in 891 A.D. Guan Xiu lived in Chengdu, the capital of a small      (2 votes)

lohan08.jpgLohan: VAJRAPUTRA1937 viewsLegend has it that the first portraits of the 18 Lohans were painted by a Buddhist
monk Guan Xiu, in 891 A.D. Guan Xiu lived in Chengdu, the capital of a small
kingdom, the Former Shu, formed at the decline of the Tang Dynasty in what is
today's Sichuan Province. He was adept at the scholarly pursuits of painting,
calligraphy and poetry.     (2 votes)

heart_nine.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Nine)782 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Nine)     (2 votes)

Panca_Sila_Pali_Canon.pdfPanca Sila (The Five Precepts) in The Pali Canon1618 viewsIn some suttas only the first four precepts are mentioned, whereas all five precepts are described together in other suttas. The first four precepts are pakati-sila whereas the fifth precept is pannati-sila. Venerable Nyanatiloka explains in his Buddhist Dictionary that pakati-sila [is] natural or genuine morality, [which] is distinct from those outward rules of conduct laid down for either laymen or monks. Those latter are the so-called prescribed morality (pannatti-sila).
Suttas which include The Five Precepts are listed.     (1 votes)

13_Kamma_Aggacitta.mp313. If something is done unintentionally, whose intention and kamma is it?771 viewsTo what extent do we believe in kamma? The fine line between fatalism and belief in kamma. An edited Dhamma discourse given by Ven. Ayasama Aggacitta - with Q & A     (1 votes)

06_Can_We_Prevent_Our_Bad_Kamma_From_Ripening.mp36. Can We Prevent Bad Kamma From Ripening?1174 viewsWhat is Kamma? Why are there inequalities of mankind? Is everything due to Kamma? Can Kamma be changed? Is the Buddhist doctrine of Rebirth a mere theory or an evidentially based verifiable fact? What is the cause of rebirth? How does rebirth take place on the Buddha’s teaching of no-soul?     (1 votes)

02_What_Is_Kamma_pt2.mp32. What is Kamma? (Part 2)1309 viewsWhat is Kamma? Why are there inequalities of mankind? Is everything due to Kamma? Can Kamma be changed? Is the Buddhist doctrine of Rebirth a mere theory or an evidentially based verifiable fact? What is the cause of rebirth? How does rebirth take place on the Buddha’s teaching of no-soul?     (1 votes)

06_Inspiration.mp36. Go Forth With Valiant Heart (Songs)934 views     (1 votes)
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