Top rated - Vipassana & Loving-kindness Meditation |

02_Orientation-to-practice.mp3(2) Orientation to the Practice3154 viewsOrientation to the Practice of Vipassana Meditation is guidance on how to adjust to and conduct oneself in a retreat environment.     (15 votes)

04_Basic-instructions.mp3(4) The Basic Instructions3097 viewsThe Basic Instructions are given in four areas of practice: formal sitting, awareness of movement in walking, and clear comprehension during ones daily activities.      (8 votes)

track03_four-reflections.mp3(03) Vipassana Meditation Retreat1254 viewsTrack03 The Four Reflections - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
An evening talk during an intensive Vipassana (Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of
Burma, by the abbot and meditation master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.     (3 votes)

track01_introduction-to-meditation.mp3(01) Vipassana Meditation Retreat2237 viewsTrack01 Introduction to Meditation - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
The opening evening talk during an intensive Vipassana(Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, by the abbot and meditation master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.     (7 votes)

Day05_5HindrancesPart_2.MP3The 5 Hindrances (Part 2)1490 viewsDay Five: Part 2: Dhamma Talk on The 5 Hindrances given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia.     (5 votes)

track04_dependent-origination-pt-1.mp3(04) Vipassana Meditation Retreat1213 viewsTrack04 Dependent Origination (Part 1) - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
Two evening talks on Dependent Origination during an intensive Vipassana (Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, by the abbot and Meditation Master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.     (2 votes)

x11.mp3Difficulties Facing Meditators - and How To Work With Them1039 viewsWhile they can be challenging, the problems and difficulties that one comes across in meditation practice can work to one’s advantage, as they are 'workable'. As in life, what we experience as difficulties in meditation can be the cause of growth in the Dharma. This series of talks offers practical advice on how to work with common difficulties face by meditators.     (1 votes)

1.mp3Practicing Vipassana1458 viewsPracticing Vipassana Meditation 01: Introduction     (1 votes)

2.mp3Orientation to the Practice 1025 viewsPracticing Vipassana 02: Orientation to the Practice      (1 votes)

01_Introduction.mp3(1) Introduction6841 viewsThis series of audio files are from Ven. Pannyavaro's book: "The Vipassana Retreat". Pannyavaro is the resident monk and teacher at the Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery,Tullera, NSW Australia. This is the introduction to the Vipassana Retreat, which describes the supportive conditions of a retreat centre, etc.     (27 votes)