Top rated - Vipassana & Loving-kindness Meditation |

File08_(AM)_Contemplating_feeling.mp3Contemplatingt Feeling1060 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
This morning we move onto the third satipatthana, that of vedana, usually translated “feeling.†We explore what we mean by feeling, and try to come to an understanding of what the Buddha means by “vedana.†Vedana can be seen as the affective aspect of experience, the capacity of any given experience to move us in some way — to provoke a response. For the Buddha, feeling and response are inextricably linked. To understand what we do, we must understand what — and how — we feel.
     (2 votes)

File06_(AM)_Contemplating_breathing.mp3Contemplating Breathing1078 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
This morning we experiment with breathing as our meditation object. We learn to experience breathing as air element (vayo dhatu) — the movements within the body associated with inhalation and exhalation — and cultivate a sense of detail and precision in tracking these movements.      (2 votes)

huxter__body_scan.mp3Body Scan 021497 viewsBody Scan gives instructions on bringing awareness to bodily sensations. For the most part this exercise is relaxing. Occasionally practitioners initially feel uncomfortable with this exercise. If it becomes overwhelmingly distressing, merely distract or direct attention to something outside your body until you are more comfortable with the exercise at another time.      (2 votes)

03healing.mp3Healing Painful Emotions4040 viewsHealing painful emotions are instructions for some options to deal with 1. strong physical sensations and 2. difficult emotions if they are arise. It requires that the listener has already developed some skill with meditation for it to be effective. These tracks are not really guided meditations but more instructions for some options for dealing with uncomfortable physical sensations and emotions.     (13 votes)

track05_dependent-origination-pt-2.mp3(05) Vipassana Meditation Retreat1252 viewsTrack05 Dependent Origination (Part 2) - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
The second part of an evening talk on Dependent Origination during an intensive Vipassana (Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, by the abbot and Meditation Master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.     (3 votes)

10_At-six-sense-doors.mp3(10) At the Six-Sense Doors2325 viewsThis is an orientation to Sense Doors or sense spheres: i.e. the five senses as well as the mind itself.     (11 votes)

12_Continuing-practice-home.mp3(12) Continuing the Practice at Home1639 viewsAfter a retreat, the challenge of continuing the practice at home needs to be considered. Strategies and advice on how to cope with the daily routine and incorporating the practice into daily life is given.     (7 votes)

06walking.mp3Mindful Standing and Walking2795 viewsMindful Standing and Walking, provides simple instructions for mindful standing and walking. It is very slow. After the listener is familiar with the instructions they can then apply them to faster walking without the aid of the audio file.      (4 votes)

huxter_mindfulness_of_breath.mp3Mindfulness of Breath973 viewsMindfulness of Breath gives instructions for mindfulness of breath, as is it experienced as movement in the abdomen. This is a foundation Insight meditation practice. In some cases individuals who are very conscious of their breathing, such as those with panic disorder, initially find this practice difficult. If this is the case they are recommended to bring attention to something other than the breath until it becomes more comfortable.      (3 votes)

File14_(AM)_The_last_full_day.mp3The Last Full Day838 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)
This morning we review the nature of the practice, applying it to the circumstances we presently find ourselves in — the final full day of this retreat.      (2 votes)