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wh238AnguttaraNikaya3.pdfPart 2. Anguttara Nikaya1562 viewsAn abridged translation of the five-volume Buddhist sutra, from the Pali canon. The original translation was by Nyanaponika Thera, and these 208 selected discourses have been revised and given an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Bhikkhu Bodhi provides a systematic introduction to the Buddha`s teaching in the Anguttara Nikaya. The translators also provide notes, a glossary, and another introduction placing the Anguttara in the context of the larger Theravada Buddhist Canon. This readable but precise translation will be welcomed by both students of Theravada Buddhism as well as anyone wishing to learn from the Buddha`s teachings.44444
(1 votes)
wh155AnguttaraNikaya1.pdfPart 1. Anguttara Nikaya2338 viewsAn abridged translation of the five-volume Buddhist sutra, from the Pali canon. The original translation was by Nyanaponika Thera, and these 208 selected discourses have been revised and given an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Bhikkhu Bodhi provides a systematic introduction to the Buddha`s teaching in the Anguttara Nikaya. The translators also provide notes, a glossary, and another introduction placing the Anguttara in the context of the larger Theravada Buddhist Canon. This readable but precise translation will be welcomed by both students of Theravada Buddhism as well as anyone wishing to learn from the Buddha`s teachings.44444
(1 votes)
Path_of_Purification_Visuddhimagga.pdfVisuddhimagga / The Path of Purification2002 viewsThis book is "The Classic Manual of Buddhist Doctrine and Meditation". Written by Buddhaghosa in the Fifth Century in Sri Lanka, and known by its Pali title, Visuddhimagga, it is the fundamental manual for the Theravadin school of Buddhism, upon which the popular Vipassana meditation is based. But it is ever so much more than merely a Vipassana manual. Divided into three main sections covering the three "baskets" of Buddha's teaching, it first addresses Virtue (Sila) and a brief chapter on acceptable ascetic practices. Next there follows a large and wonderful section on training in Concentration (Samadhi) based on the forty traditional meditation subjects. Finally, it concludes with a large section on Understanding (Panna), the wisdom teachings of the Abhidhamma. 44444
(1 votes)
Begin_Pali_Suttas.pdfBeginnings: The Pali Suttas1929 viewsExcept where otherwise noted, all factual information in this essay is garnered from the Pāḷi Suttas and their companion-piece, the Vinaya. In these texts we find accounts of the first months following the Buddha’s awakening (Khandhaka I, Mahāvagga, Vinaya), of the final months before his decease (Sutta 16, Dīgha Nikāya), of the events leading up to the First and Second Councils, together with an account of those Councils (Khandhakas XI and XIi, Cullavagga, Vinaya), and, scattered through the texts, incidental information and clues about the middle period of the Buddha’s ministry. Considerable additional information is available in texts of later date, such as the Classical Commentaries. 44444
(1 votes)
acariya-mun.pdfAcariya Mun Bhuridatta - A Spiritual Biography (Screen Version)1196 viewsA Spiritual Biography by Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno. Translated from the Thai by Bhikkhu Dick Salaratano. Acariya Mun Bharidatta Thera was a vipassana meditation master of the highest caliber of this present age. He taught the profound nature of Dhamma with such authority and persuasion that he left no doubts among his students about the exalted level of his spiritual attainment. His devoted followers consist of numerous monks and laity from virtually every region of Thailand. His story is truly a magnificent one throughout: from his early years in lay life through his long endeavor as a Buddhist monk to the day he finally passed away.44444
(1 votes)
Nothing-is-more-joyless.pdf“Nothing is more joyless than selfishness”2385 viewsThese teachings were originally talks given byduring his stay at Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery in the North-East of Thailand, in May 1989. The talks were usually given during the evening meetings, when the Sangha would come together for chanting, meditation and listening to the Dhamma.44444
(1 votes)
a_taste_of_salt(2).pdfA Taste of Salt3490 viewsThe Sutta Pitaka was written down in the Pali language over 2,000 years ago. The Sutta Pitaka is made of five collections of suttas; the Digha Nikaya, the Majjima Nikaya, the Samyutta Nikaya, the Anguttara Nikaya, and the Khuddaka Nikaya. These texts remain the most complete record of early Buddhist teachings. The suttas fill thousands of pages, and it is a daunting task for most readers to read through the many volumes. A Taste of Salt draws 350 pages containing the central teachings of the Buddha from the roughly 5,000 pages of the Sutta Pitaka. The purpose of this collection is to make these essential texts more accessible to meditators and students of Buddhism.44444
(15 votes)
jataka_p.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 2)6294 viewsThis is the illustrated version of Buddhist Tales for Young and Old (volume 2), with line drawings by John Patterson, which are suitable for colouring in.44444
(16 votes)
10_ways_of_making_merit.pdfTen Ways of Making Merit4175 viewsThe Buddha taught that merit-making is a formidable antidote to overcome the many vicissitudes faced in our day-to-day lives. Hence He declared: ‘Do not fear merit-making. “Merit-making” is a term denoting happiness, what is desirable, pleasant, dear and charming. For I recall in my mind very well that after making merit for a long time, I experienced desirable, pleasant, dear and charming results for a long time. Let therefore a man train himself in merit-making that yields long-lasting happiness. Let him cultivate the practice of giving, virtuous conduct and a mind of metta. By cultivating these qualities the wise man arrives in untroubled and happy states.44444
(8 votes)
AHappyMarriedLife.pdfA Happy Married Life - A Buddhist Perspective9245 viewsA good marriage should grow and develop gradually from understanding and not impulse, from true loyalty and not just sheer indulgence. A marriage is a partnership of equality, gentleness, generosity, calm and dedication. Each is complementary to the other; giving strength and moral courage to each other; supporting and appreciating the other in caring and providing for the family.44444
(23 votes)
286 files on 29 page(s) 11

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