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only_help.pdfOnly We Can Help Ourselves3510 viewsKamma is an interesting subject because it concerns everyone and there are many different aspects of it. There are many natural laws that govern our lives but the most important is the law of kamma-vipaka. In a discourse (A.N. 6.63) the Buddha said, Intention, monks, is kamma I say. Having willed, one acts through body, speech and mind. This means that intentional action is kamma, and vipaka is the result or effects of it. The result may ripen immediately, later in this life or in a future life.44444
(11 votes)
Arahattamagga.pdfArahattamagga, Arahattaphala: The Path to Arahantship4023 viewsAt present, all that is left of Buddhism are the words of the Buddha. Only his teachings ñ the scriptures ñ remain. Please be aware of this. Due to the corruption caused by the defiling nature of the kilesas, true spiritual principles are no longer practiced in present-day Buddhism. As Buddhists, we constantly allow our minds to be agitated and confused, engulfed in mental defilements that assail us from every direction. They so overpower our minds that we never rise above these contaminating influences, no matter how hard we try. The vast majority of people are not even interested enough to try: They simply close their eyes and allow the onslaught to overwhelm them. They don't even attempt to put up the least amount of resistance. Since they lack the mindfulness needed to pay attention to the consequences of their thoughts, all their thinking and all they do and say are instances of the kilesas giving them a beating. They surrendered to the power of these ruinous forces such a long time ago that they now lack any motivation to restrain their wayward thoughts...
(5 votes)
Footprints_of_the_Buddha.pdfFootprints of the Buddha4424 viewsPligrimage to Buddhist India. This booklet was written for you so you can understand the significance of the most sacred Buddhist places in India. It is in these places that the Buddha dwell and left his footprints 2600 years ago. Thousands of devoted and wise persons in the world have venerated these sacred and holy places by touching the earth with their foreheads, on which the Buddha has trodden.44444
(5 votes)
seeding.pdfSeeding the Heart3706 viewsTo learn about the radiating of loving-kindness to all beings with children, we have to tap into the store of knowledge accumulated by lay people and parents. It must be knowledge which has grown out of years of living and loving with children and young adults. Gregory Kramer, father of three boys, shows us here with subtle but precise adjustments in the standard practice of loving-kindness meditation he was able to anchor it in the lives of his children.44444
(9 votes)
paligram.pdfA Grammar of the Pali Language4449 viewsMost introductory Pali grammar books consist of lessons that teach the elements of the language in stages, but because of that they are also very difficult to use as a reference when you need to look up a noun's declension, or a verb's conjugation. Because of its practical and comprehensive coverage of the elements of the Pali language in complete chapters, this book is a very useful reference. It was not written for linguistics experts, but for students with little experiences tudying Pali grammar.44444
(4 votes)
scrnguna.pdfA Critical Analysis of the Jhanas in Theravada Meditation4989 viewsThis work, by Ven. Henepola Gunaratana, provides an analytical study of the Jhanas, as they are an important set of meditative attainments in the contemplative discipline of Theravada Buddhism. Despite their frequent appearance in the texts, the exact role of the Jhanas in the Buddhist path has not been settled with unanimity by Theravada scholars, who are still divided over the question as to whether they are necessary for attaining Nibbana.44444
(11 votes)
know-see.pdfKnowing and Seeing3811 viewsVen. Pa-Auk Sayadaw

Talks and Questions and Answers at a meditation retreat in Taiwan by Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw. This book details two approaches to insight meditation, namely, tranquility and insight and bare-insight meditation. These two methods are essentially identical, starting from four-elements meditation and continuing into insight meditation. In this book the reader has an explanation of the classic instructions for both methods. The talks in this book were given by the Sayadaw (teacher), from Pa-Auk, Mawlamyine, Myanmar, while he conducted a two-month meditation retreat at Yi-Tung Temple, Sing Choo City, Taiwan.
(11 votes)
children.pdfLove Your Children the Right Way7266 viewsI composed this book when I was in Chiang Mai, where I lived for 10 years. In my work there, I observed many parents who had children but knew nothing about how to raise there beloved children properly so that they would grow to be good citizens of the nation. When I thought about this matter, I started writing an article concerning parents responsibility in raising their children - Panyananda Bhikkhu.44444
(25 votes)
jataka_tv1.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 1)5347 viewsFifty stories from the Jataka Tales - Prince Goodspeaker. Interpreted by Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa, Maha Thera and told by Todd Anderson. The Jataka stories, over millennia, have been seminal to the development of many civilisations, the cultivation of moral conduct and good behaviour, the growth of a rich and varied literature in diverse parts of the world and the inspiration for paintings, sculpture and architecture of enduring aesthetic value. The Buddha himself used Jataka stories to explain concepts like karma and rebirth and to emphasize the importance of moral values.44444
(12 votes)
02_mahanidana.pdf02 Dependent Arising: Examining specific conditionality3283 viewsExamining specific conditionality, with an emphasis on the
relationship between consciousness and mind/body.
(6 votes)
286 files on 29 page(s) 12

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