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essentialsof.pdfEssentials of Buddhism3703 viewsIt is based on the Theravada Buddhism syllabus of the Postgraduate Diploma Examination in Buddhist Studies course of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. Since the work is meant for students, every chapter appears as a unit by itself and is confined to a few pages. Ven. Ganarama is the Principal of the Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore.44444
(7 votes)
tree-enlightenment.pdfThe Tree of Enlightenment4289 viewsIn keeping with the original objectives of the study of basic Buddhism, this book is - as far as possible - non-technical. It is intended for the ordinary readers not having any special expertise in Buddhist studies or in Buddhist canonical languages. This book can supply a general introduction to the major traditions of Buddhism, but does not pretend to be complete or definitive. This book will serve as the beginning of its readers' Buddhist education and not the end of it.44444
(9 votes)
artofatt.pdfThe Art of Attention8155 viewsThis is a handbook on the art of meditative attention or meditating for insight. It deals with the basics of awareness meditation. There is practical instruction on how to do sitting and walking meditation and how to apply awareness in daily activities based on the Insight Meditation (Vipassana) tradition. The purpose of this handbook is to give the beginner to awareness meditation a guide to the basics of the practice, with the emphasis on its practical application to daily life.44444
(13 votes)
fundbud1.pdfFundamentals of Buddhism7408 viewsThe basic teachings outlined here include: the Life of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Karma, Rebirth, Dependent Origination, The Three Universal Characteristics and The Five Aggregates. Dr Santina also puts Buddhism into its context by describing the pre-Buddhist background and gives an overview of Buddhism from a modern perspective in a very readable way.44444
(17 votes)
jataka_t.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 2)4770 viewsThis is the second volume of fifty stories from the Jataka Tales - Buddhist Tales for Young and Old, interpreted by Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa, Maha Thera and told by Todd Anderson. These stories are not scholarly word-for-word translations as have been done by others. Rather these tales have been rewritten in modern English understandable by western readers. By reading these stories, children and adults can develop their knowledge and learn how to face the difficulties of modern life.44444
(10 votes)
bhkkrule.pdfThe Bhikkhus' Rules - Guide for Laypeople3355 viewsThe Theravadin Buddhist Monk's Rules by compiled and explained by Bhikkhu Ariyesako. Some may think that this lineage follows an overly traditionalist approach but then, it does happen to be the oldest living tradition. A slight caution therefore to anyone completely new to the ways of monasticism, which may appear quite radical for the modern day and age. The best introduction, perhaps essential for a true understanding, is meeting with a practising bhikkhu who should manifest and reflect the peaceful and joyous qualities of the bhikkhu's way of life.44444
(6 votes)
paliwordday.pdfA Pali Word A Day3505 viewsA selection of Pali words for daily reflection. This booklet aims to assist new Buddhist students who are unfamiliar with some of the Pali words often used in the study of Buddhism. As the title suggests, it encourages the learning and use of Pali words by learning one word a day. This booklet can serve both as a dictionary and a glossary of terms for your reference.44444
(4 votes)
01_Wonhyo_web.pdfVolume 1. Wonhyo: Selected Works2657 viewsA Collection of Korean Buddhism in English. It's translated and compiled by great Scholars including Robert Buswell.44444
(4 votes)
Samyutta-Nikaya-An-Anthology-I.pdfSaṃyutta Nikāya An Anthology - Part I1881 viewsThe Saṃyutta Nikāya is one of the five great divisions of the Sutta Piṭaka of the Pāli canon, the Tipiṭaka or “Three Baskets” of doctrine, constituting the Buddha-word for Theravāda
Buddhism. The meaning of “Saṃyutta Nikāya” is “The Collection of Grouped Discourses” and it is so called because its material is arranged into groups (saṃyuttas) according to subject, of which there are fifty-six. These again are placed into five vaggas, sections or chapters, corresponding to the five divisions of this anthology
(4 votes)
02_the_oral_tradition.pdfThe Oral Tradition2376 views
Lists, lists of lists, and lists within lists. Creativity, meditation and the list. Examining some suttas which illustrates the performance and networking aspect of the Suttas: Samanas and brahmanas and the Mahahatthipadopama Sutta: Large Discourse on the Elephant's Footprint (M28)
(4 votes)
286 files on 29 page(s) 14

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