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med-guided2.pdfGuided Meditation for Primary Students4371 viewsBuddhaNet's Buddhist Studies for Schools

This is a series of guided meditations with instruction for teachers for primary students. This file is part of BuddhaNet's Buddhist Studies for Schools. It has seven guided meditations for students, with detailed instructions for teachers.
(9 votes)
brahmavihara.pdfBrahmavihara Dhamma4341 viewsVen. Mahasi Sayadaw

This Brahmavihara Dhamma (Divine Abidings) expounded by the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, reveals the systematic method of developing Metta, loving-kindness towards all beings and the way to lead a life of holiness. The style of presentation and the informative materials contained therein stand witness to the depth and wealth of spiritual and scriptural knowledge of the eminent author. A careful reading of this Dhamma or teachings, followed by an unfailing practice of meditation that has been clearly presented in this text will, I believe, amount to storing a fortune in the shape of happiness in the present lifetime as well as higher spiritual attainment.
(9 votes)
WhoSaw.pdfThe One-Who-Saw2879 viewsThere once was a happy land where the inhabitants lived a happy and harmonious life. They were kind to one another and their ways were simple. Their wants were few... An illustrated Buddhist story about the One Who Saw combines Buddhist themes into a children's book. [42 pages]33333
(10 votes)
medwshop.pdfInsight Meditation Workshop Online3936 viewsMeditation is the intelligent heart of the Buddha's way; the only criterion is that you should apply it to daily life. The purpose of this meditation course is not to create a system of beliefs, but rather to give guidance on how to see clearly into the nature of the mind. In this way, you can have firsthand understanding of the way things are, without reliance on opinions or theories - a direct experience, which has its own vitality. This course has been prepared with both beginners and experienced practitioners in mind.33333
(10 votes)
05_satipatthana_sutta_01.pdf01 Satipatthana Sutta2944 viewsWe have seen how different approaches to translation provide different approaches to the meditation practice itself. Translation, interpretation and practice all take place within communities. One's choices in translation is also an expression of one's identity. If I identify with a specific tradition, I will translate in a way that fits with that tradition's view of the teaching and the practice. If I refuse to identify with a tradition, preferring to go my own way or be part of the creation of a new tradition, this choice also will condition translation and interpretation. And interpretation conditions practice. The practice is defined by its texts, and the texts are formed by translation and interpretation.33333
(5 votes)
thittila.pdfEssential Themes of Buddhist Lectures2815 viewsThese talks on Buddhism given by this famous Burmese Buddhist master, Venerable Sayadaw U Thittilla in the west over the period 1938-1983. Some of the themes are: 'What is Buddhism', 'Likes and Dislikes', 'A Short History of Buddhism', 'What Kamma Is', 'The Path to Nibbana' and 'The Abhidhamma Philosophy'.33333
(5 votes)
bmDamaStory.pdfDhammapada Stories12663 viewsSelected verses from the Dhammapada, all depicted with thirty-two beautiful illustrations. This collection is a great introduction to the Dhammapada and has been carefully compiled and edited for the younger reader by Gambhiro Bhikkhu. [126 pages]33333
(49 votes)
essentials.pdfEssentials of Insight Meditation Practice6488 viewsThe ultimate aim of insight meditation is to free one from the unsatisfactoriness of cyclic existence. Readers may also find numerous quotations of the Buddha's teaching on mindfulness, detachment and liberation throughout the entire book. Those verses act as a source of inspiration and purpose to put vipassana into practice - a practice that brings about insight into the three universal characteristics of unsatisfactoriness, impermanence and non-self which leads one into detachment and ultimate liberation.33333
(13 votes)
path-free.pdfOn The Path To Freedom4123 viewsOn The Path to Freedom - a mind of wise discernment and openness - by Burmese Meditation Master, Sayadaw U Pandita. This is a compilation of Dhamma discourses to foreign meditators at the Mahasi Meditation Centre, Rangoon, Myanmar, who came to practise under him in Yangon (formerly Rangoon) between August 1986 to March 1987. Translated from Myanmar by the late Mya Thaung.33333
(8 votes)
Aggregates.pdfA Burden Off the Mind: A Study Guide on the Five Aggregates6886 viewsOne of the new concepts most central to the Buddha's teaching was that of the khandhas, usually translated into English as “aggregates.” Prior to the Buddha, the Pali word khandha had very ordinary meanings: A khandha could be a pile, a bundle, a heap, a mass. It could also be the trunk of a tree. In his first sermon, though, the Buddha gave it a new, psychological meaning, introducing the term “clinging-khandhas” to summarize his analysis of the truth of stress and suffering. Throughout the remainder of his teaching career, he referred to these psychological khandhas time and again. Their importance in his teachings has thus been obvious to every generation of Buddhists ever since.33333
(11 votes)
286 files on 29 page(s) 16

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