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BuHinSonShin~1.pdfBU HIN SON SHIN DO-RO-NI1584 viewsSarva Durgati Pariśodhana Uṣnīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī
All Bad-conditions Purifying [Buddha]-Crown Victory Prayer.
(1 votes)
nutshell.pdfBuddhism in a Nutshell2063 viewsThe Story of the Buddha; The Teachings (Dhamma) is it a philosophy? Is Buddhism a religion? Is Buddhism as Ethical system? Some salient features of Buddhism. Karma or the Law of Moral Causation. Rebirth. Dependent Arising (Paticca Samuppada). Anatta or Soul-lessness. Nibanna and The Path to Nibbana.33333
(1 votes)
buddasa.pdfHandbook For Mankind16435 viewsAs a guide for newcomers to the Buddha Dhamma (the Truth which the Buddha awakened to and subsequently taught), this book is an invaluable guide. In it are contained the essential teachings of Buddhism. The Handbook is especially useful for those who approach the Buddha's teaching not as a subject for scholarly study but as a means to understand and ennoble their lives. It includes chapters on 'Looking at Buddhism' and the 'True Nature of Things'.33333
(47 votes)
3_teach.pdfThree Teachings7084 viewsTenzin Palmo's Teachings on Retreat, Mahamudra and Mindfulness are a delight to read. Transcribed from talks she gave in Singapore in May 1999, the teachings are delivered in plain language, seasoned with plenty of audience participation. Each subject is discussed with humour, liveliness and compassion. She has the great gift of showing how to put the Dharma into every part of our everyday lives. Born in London in 1993, Tenzin Palmo traveled to India and was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1964. Her 12-year retreat in a cave high in the Himalayas, described in the book 'Cave in the Snow', focused international attention on the role of women and their spirituality in the Buddhist context.33333
(21 votes)
allmetta.pdfLoving-kindness Meditation6435 viewsVen. Sujiva

Loving-kindness Meditation or Metta Bhavana and other Sublime States by Ven. Sujiva is a clear and comprehensive step-by-step explanation of the systematic practice. It is based on the Visuddhimagga or The Path of Purification by Buddhagosha. The texts describe metta as characterised by promoting the aspect of welfare. Amity, goodwill, friendliness and loving-kindness are some words used to describe this mental state. There is no better way to know it than to study it as it occurs in one's own and others' minds. It is a totally unselfish and pure state of mind that brings profit to oneself and others now and hereafter.
(20 votes)
4sublime_states.pdfThe Four Sublime States5234 viewsVen. Nyanaponika Thera

Four sublime states of mind have been taught by the Buddha: Loving-kindness (metta), Compassion (karuna), Sympathetic Joy (mudita), Equanimity (upekkha) These four attitudes are said to be excellent or sublime because they are the right or ideal way of conduct towards living beings They provide, in fact, the answer to all situations arising from social contact. They are the great removers of tension, the great peacemakers in social conflict, and the great healers of wounds suffered in the struggle of existence. They level social barriers, build harmonious communities, awaken slumbering magnanimity long forgotten, revive joy and hope long abandoned, and promote human brotherhood against the forces of egotism.
(9 votes)
pureland.pdfPure Land Buddhism3000 viewsThis book presents the teachings and major tenets of the Pure Land school of Buddhism,as seen from the perspective of two major sister schools: Zen and Taien Taai (Lotus School). Further insights,from the viewpoint of a contemporary Pure Land Master are included in the Appendix. The principal teachings of the Pure Land School are summarized for the benefit of readers.33333
(7 votes)
scrn_metta.pdfMetta Bhavana; Loving-kindness; Meditation3733 viewsVen. Dhammarakkhita

This is short explanation on how to practise Metta Bhavana or Loving-kindness Meditation given as a three-day weekend retreat at Dhammodaya Meditation Centre in Nakhon Pathom in Thailand, by an Australian monk, Ven. Dhammarakkhita (Jeff Oliver).
(7 votes)
now_know.pdfNow is the Knowing3944 viewsThis small book represents the wish of some of those fortunate enough to have received Dhamma teachings from Venerable Ajahn Sumedho to share them with others. The first section describes what taking the Three Refuges in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha means; and the second section is composed of passages from three or four different talks on the subject of Mindfulness of Breathing. Lastly, the book discusses happiness, unhappiness and Nibanna.33333
(6 votes)
bodhic01.pdfBodhicharyavatara2965 viewsShantideva is representative of the Madhyamika school of Mahayana Buddhism. Shantideva was a king's son from South India. He flourished in the 7th to 8th centuries and was a monk at the monastic university Nalanda. He was the author of two surviving works, the Collection of Rules and Entering the Path of Enlightenment.33333
(8 votes)
286 files on 29 page(s) 23

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