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jtwebv1p.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 1)4589 viewsThis is an illustrated version of Buddhist Tales for Young and Old (volume 1), with line drawings by John Patterson, which are suitable for colouring in.44444
(9 votes)
nat_cure.pdfThe Natural Cure for Spiritual Disease3345 viewsThe Natural Cure for Spiritual Disease is a guide to Buddhist science, it includes three talks given in 1986 by this world-renowned Thai Buddhist teacher: 'The Scientific Cure of Spiritual Disease', 'The Use of Dhamma' and 'New Life of Peace'. Venerable Buddhadasa is well known for the readiness with which he gives non-literal interpretations of Buddhist texts. He does not hesitate to reject as naive a word-for-word interpretation that has no bearing on real life.44444
(6 votes)
beingssutra.pdfThe Sutra on the Eight Realizations4136 views"The content of The Sutra on the Eight Realizations is grounded in both Mahayana and Theravada viewpoints. Please treasure this Sutra. When I was seventeen, and in my first year of novice studies at a Buddhist Monastery, I had to study and memorize it. This enabled me to easily combine the meaning of the Sutra with meditation of breath counting. From this period until now, 44 years have passed and this Sutra is still an invaluable torch lighting my path. Today I have the opportunity to present it to you. I am grateful to this deep and miraculous Sutra. I join my hands and respectfully recite, "Homage to the precious Sutra on the Eight Realizations." 44444
(3 votes)
08Taking_the_Practice_Home.pdfTaking the Practice Home2643 viewsIf meditation is to have any relevance to everyday life it has to be done at home. This does not mean just your residence but wherever your attention happens to reside. To meditate at home requires a 'hands-on', dynamic approach that is not restricted to any particular time, place or posture. When applied in this way, it becomes integrated into the ordinary activities of life and becomes the basis for a meditative lifestyle in the home and the routine of everyday life.44444
(3 votes)
02Orientation_to_the_Practice.pdfOrientation to the Practice3137 viewsWhether this is a first time experience of Vipassana meditation or you are a meditator who has experience in this mode of practice, every meditator at the beginning of a retreat will need to make some adjustment to the retreat situation - at least in having to settle down and get into the rhythm of the practice. First, let us look how one relates to a retreat situation and the way to adjust to the retreat environment, before the basic instructions are given.44444
(3 votes)
a_brief_introduction_to_the_buddha_dhamma.pdfA Brief Introduction to the Buddha-Dhamma3090 views44444
(4 votes)
matrcetahymn.pdfMatrceta's Hymn to the Buddha2069 viewsI-tsing, the Chinese pilgrim who travelled through India in the 7th century AD, says of Matrceta's poems: These charming compositions are equal in beauty to the heavenly flowers and rival in dignity the lofty peaks of a mountain. Consequently in India all who compose hymns imitate his style, considering him the father of literature. Even men like Bodhisattvas Asanga and Vasubandhu admired him greatly.44444
(4 votes)
undrstnd.pdfTo Understand Buddhism3840 viewsThe teachings of Master Chin Kung are based on true sincerity towards others; purity of mind; equality in everything we see; proper understanding of ourselves and our environment; compassion by helping others in a wise and unconditional way. See through to the truth of impermanence; let go of all wandering thoughts and attachments; accord with conditions to go along with the environment. Be mindful of Amitabha Buddha - wishing to reach the Pure Land and follow His Teachings.44444
(4 votes)
sujivapoems.pdfWind in the Forest2821 viewsThis book is a unique collection of poems, write-ups, illustrations and photos. In Venerable Sujiva's sincere and heartfelt writings, readers may find many touching incidents related by him in his many years of teaching. They will also come to understand him, his compassion and loving-kindness as well as the Dhamma by simply flowing with his pen.44444
(4 votes)
ele_pali.pdfElementary Pali Course7197 viewsThis Elementary Pali Course by the late Venerable Narada Thera, the renowned Buddhist scholar of the Vjirarama Vihara, Colombo, Sri Lanka, is the standard work for the study of the elementary level of Pali. Pali was the language spoken by the Buddha, and employed by him to expound his teachings. It is also the scriptural language used by the Theravada school of Buddhism.44444
(12 votes)
286 files on 29 page(s) 6

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