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TowardsAnInnerPeace-VF11p.pdfTowards an Inner Peace3352 viewsIn Towards an Inner Peace, Venerable Dhammajiva instructs yogis to progress by developing continuous mindfulness and deep concentration. He takes yogis through a journey, which progressively leads to the development of vipassana insights. His step by step instructions provide an invaluable theroretical basis to confront and embrace the challenges along the path to attain a state of path and fruition consciousness.44444
(4 votes)
mindread.pdfReading the Mind3499 viewsKhun Kee Nanayonestablished a Dhamma centre, Khao-Suan-Luang in 1945. Upasika Kee attracted Dhamma students, and residents came to include both female lay devotees and white-robed nuns. These Dhamma talks were mainly given to the women who stayed at her centre to practice meditation. After listening with calm and centred mind, they would all sit in meditation together.44444
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07Support_of_Loving-kindness.pdfSupport of Loving-kindness Meditation2293 viewsAfter the meditator is established in the basics of Vipassana meditation, Loving-kindness meditation can be used to support the more challenging Vipassana practice. While this is switching meditation modes to a concentration-based practice, its benefit is that it uplifts and sweetens the mind and helps meditators to cope with negative emotions that they may not yet be able to deal with in their Vipassana practice.44444
(3 votes)
06Questions-and-Responses_.pdfQuestions and Responses2395 viewsThere are three areas of difficulties that most meditators experience when first doing the practice: incessant thinking, disinclination or inability to handle pain, and sleepiness. In addition to the explanation to the difficulties facing meditators, here are some commonly asked questions – often on practical issues - by new students, and my responses to them. I hope they can help to clarify and elaborate on the practice as a standardised set of instructions is usually given to beginners, which needs then to be explained further to the individual meditator as they practice.44444
(3 votes)
life_of_tha_buddha.pdfLife of the Buddha in Gandhara Art1655 viewsThe tradition of Grandhara Art is the birthplace of many strands of Buddhist art and sculpture. Historically, it is in the Gandhara tradition – now in what is Pakistan - that the Buddha came to be represented first as a person. Prior to this, the Enlightened Buddha was symbolized in art and sculpture either through foot-prints or through a stylized Bodhi Tree. The personal representations of the Buddha originated probably through the inspiration derived from the Hellenistic tradition. In numerous bas-reliefs and friezes, phases of the Buddha’s life are elaborately depicted.44444
(2 votes)
Anapanasati_appreciation.pdfAnapanasati Sutra Appreciation (MN 118)3021 viewsFulfilling Awareness of the Breath Meditation

This is a concise and straightforward appreciation of the Anapanasati Sutta (MN 118). What makes this appreciation different is the emphasis on personal meditative insight leading to deepening wisdom through practical meditation instruction.
(1 votes)
toward_sustainable_science_a_buddhist_look_at_trend_in_scientific_development.pdfToward Sustainable Science: A Buddhist Look at Trend in Scientific Development.1565 views44444
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vision_of_the_dhamma_a_collection_of_buddhist_writings_in_english.pdfVision of the Dhamma: A Collection of Buddhist Writings in English1764 views44444
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jataka_tales_book_ii.pdfJataka Tales Book II1493 views44444
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freedom_individual_and_social.pdfFreedom: Individual and Social1947 views44444
(1 votes)
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