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Ksitigarbha01.jpgKsitigarbha Bodhisattva012138 viewsTi Tsang P'usa: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists. 'Ti Tsang', meaning 'Earth-Store' is a direct translation of the Bodhisattva's name KSITIGARBHA in Sanskrit. Among the countless Bodhisattvas in the universe, he and three others have firmly captured the hearts of the Mahayanists. These four main P'usas or Bodhisattvas are depicted in the Chinese Buddhist Pantheon and they represent four basic great qualities:

KUAN SHIH YIN as Great Compassion;
WEN SHU as Great Wisdom;
PU HSIEN as Great Love and Perfect Activity;
TI TSANG as Great Vow to help and to deliver all beings.

His greatest compassionate Vow being: "If I do not go to the hell to help the suffering beings there, who else will go? ... if the hells are not empty I will not become a Buddha. Only when all living beings have been saved, will I attain Bodhi."

(4 votes)
wz-windhorse1.jpgWindhorse5030 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Windhorse33333
(4 votes)
ritual-dagger.jpgRitual Dagger5062 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Ritual Dagger33333
(4 votes)
lohan10.jpgLohan: PANTHA1991 viewsLegend has it that the first portraits of the 18 Lohans were painted by a Buddhist

monk Guan Xiu, in 891 A.D. Guan Xiu lived in Chengdu, the capital of a small

kingdom, the Former Shu, formed at the decline of the Tang Dynasty in what is

today's Sichuan Province. He was adept at the scholarly pursuits of painting,

calligraphy and poetry.
(4 votes)
buddha_life_27.jpgVen. Moggalana was Injured2268 viewsVen. Moggalana was Injured33333
(4 votes)
IMG0017.jpgSunrise at the "Golden Rock" Myanmar967 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community33333
(2 votes)
Bhutan0019.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (10) 2555 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
(2 votes)
Bhutan0011.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (03) 2754 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
(2 votes)
Ksitigarbha04.jpgKsitigarbha Bodhisattva041618 viewsKsitigarbha Bodhisattva or in Chinese: Ti Tsang P'usa

Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists.
(2 votes)
Ksitigarbha05.jpgKsitigarbha Bodhisattva051432 viewsKsitigarbha Bodhisattva or in Chinese: Ti Tsang P'usa

Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists.
(2 votes)
290 files on 29 page(s) 21

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