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Jotika_no_home.mp3I Have No Home 1457 viewsThe talk was based on some verses from an old anonymous Samurai poem, which served as a launching point into some beautiful Dhamma. The verses referred to: I have no parents; I make the Heavens and the Earth my parents. / I have no home; I make mindfulness my home. / I have no life or death; I make the tides of breathing my life and death. / I have no divine power; I make honesty my divine power. / I have no friends; I make my mind my friend. / I have no castle; I make the immovable mind my castle. / I have no sword; I make absence of self my sword.44444
(4 votes)
07-chant-07.mp3Sangha Vandana - Homage to the Disciples of the Buddha.1243 views"Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting"

Track No. 07

Compiled and recited by Venerable Indaratana Maha Thera
(4 votes)
10_Vesak_Track.mp310. Flower of Mankind756 views44444
(2 votes)
File01_At_Bodh_Gaya.mp3At Bodh Gaya1360 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery (2009)

Tonight we look at the Buddha's activities during the weeks immediately after his awakening. We see him as a powerful shaman, and how he wrestled with the question of whether or not he should attempt to communicate his awakening. It took the intervention of Brahma Sahampati to persuade him to teach. Why was the Buddha so reluctant? And what does his reluctance tell us about the dharma he wanted to teach — and about himself?
(2 votes)
07-chant-07.mp307 Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting1023 views07 Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting44444
(2 votes)
01_Track_1.mp3The Bodhisattva14544 viewsLet me a pure white lotus be
Unfolding in Samsara’s stream,
Let all the gloom of misery
Be gathered in my lotus dream;
Let each dew drop that studded lie
On each white radiant fold,
Reflect the mercy of the law
That turns death’s bliss to gold.

Let every wave that tumbles down,
Their curled slim of wrath, repair
To lotus roots of dusky brown,
In my compassion’s bounty share;
Let every sparks of vengeance rowed
Round lotus stalks entwine.
And greed and lies transformed by love
In lotus heart enshrine.

When each life drop has sped away
Across my pure white lily door
When I have drained all sorrow may
I speed to deck that lustless floor.
Let every petal softly fold,
In summer’s golden shine
Retreat to claim the splendid prize
Nirvana’s joy last Mine!
(104 votes)
02_Orientation-to-practice.mp3(2) Orientation to the Practice3115 viewsOrientation to the Practice of Vipassana Meditation is guidance on how to adjust to and conduct oneself in a retreat environment.33333
(15 votes)
BT01B.MP3Lecture 1. (b) The Buddha3890 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.33333
(20 votes)
01_What_Is_Kamma_pt1.mp31. What is Kamma? (Part 1)2160 viewsWhat is Kamma? Why are there inequalities of mankind? Is everything due to Kamma? Can Kamma be changed? Is the Buddhist doctrine of Rebirth a mere theory or an evidentially based verifiable fact? What is the cause of rebirth? How does rebirth take place on the Buddha’s teaching of no-soul?33333
(7 votes)
M20_Dukkha2.mp3Dukkha (Part 2)1288 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Dukkha (Part 2) (35 mins)33333
(7 votes)
331 files on 34 page(s) 10

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