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M08_PaticcaSamuppada2.mp3Paticcasamuppada (Part 2)1414 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Paticca Samuppada (Part 2)
(38 mins)
(7 votes)
20_Track_20.mp3WESAK DAWN1482 viewsWesak dawn has paced in softly,
Tip-toed thro’s the moonlit night,
Breathed the flowers and incense smoking.
Laughed thro’ bars of purple light.

Bids you now to woken gently,
Lift your troubled eyes of sleep,
Tend’s ring thoughts of homage holy,
Cross Samsara’s ocean deep.

To the one who taught the Dharma,
Of the Noble Eightfold Way,
To the Buddha, dearest sister,
Lift your tender mind today!
(9 votes)
02_Track_2.mp3Climb the Path with Gladness6531 viewsClimb the Path with gladness,
In the field of life,
Vanquishing illusion,
Ignorance and strife.
Brotherhood and service,
Shall our motto be,
And the goal before us,
Truth and liberty.
We will teach Thy Dharma,
Wheresoe’re we go
Wisdom, Love, Compassion,
In our actions show.

We must stand together
Fighting side by side,
Truth is undivided
This must be our guide.
All divisions vanish
Where the Truth is known,
This the greatest lesson
By Lord Buddha shown.
Forward marching ever
In the Dharma’s might,
Till we lead the nations
(43 votes)
04_Track_4.mp3RIGHT THOUGHT3827 viewsRight thought will lead me on
To wisdom’s holy height,
And show to me the surest way,
To pass through sorrow’s night.

Right Thought will light me through
The shadows of this life;
“Twill ease my heart and peace assure,
And free my mind from strife.

Right Thought will be my guide
Across life’s troubled sea;
My pilot, compass, star and chart,
Right Thought shall ever be.

Right Thought will keep me on
The way to perfect peace,
And ferry to other shore,
Where all Illusions cease.
(16 votes)
05_Track_5.mp3OH! SUFFERING WORLD3393 viewsOh! Suffering world.
You shall not come back again.
Oh! Suffering World,
When you’ve stifled desire’s flame.
Then there’ll be no tears of sorrow
In your eyes, my friend,
You’ll know the bliss of one
Who enters freedom land;
Oh! Suffering World,
You shall not come back again.
(10 votes)
02-chant-02.mp302 Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting2675 views02 Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting33333
(10 votes)
BT04A.MP3Lecture 4. (a) Dependent Arising2320 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.33333
(9 votes)
M17_RebirthKarmaHeaven1.mp3Rebirth, Karma and Heaven (Part 1)1185 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Rebirth, Karma and Heaven (Part 1) (44 mins)33333
(8 votes)
M02_Jhana2.mp3Jhana (Part 2)1592 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Jhana (Part 2) 45 mins.33333
(7 votes)
07_How_Do_We_Gain_Knowledge_and_Wisdom.mp3How Do We Gain Knowledge and Wisdom?3654 viewsSix talks by Ven. Dr Sri Dhammananda on Buddhist Teachings and Practice.33333
(6 votes)
331 files on 34 page(s) 14

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