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05_Working-with-thinking-pain.mp3(5) Working with Thinking and Pain2579 viewsWorking with Thinking and Pain in meditation, explains how to relate to pain and the ability to handle the "Thinking Mind" skilfully.44444
(13 votes)
BT01A.MP3Lecture 1. (a) The Buddha9494 viewsThis course consists of 10 lectures on the fundamentals of the Buddha’s Teachings, the Dhamma:

The lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.
(52 votes)
120801-LRR-32k-Prayers-Refuge_Bodhichitta-Tibetan.mp3Refuge and Bodhichitta - Tibetan1949 viewsEnglish and Tibetan chanting by Ven. Sarah Thresher
(5 votes)
02metta_chant_1_pali.mp3Metta Chant 1 (Pali)4099 viewsThe Metta Chant 1 in Pali44444
(14 votes)
BT04B.MP3Lecture 4. (b) Dependent Arising1902 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.44444
(7 votes)
M18_RebirthKarmaHeaven2.mp3Rebirth; Karma and Heaven (Part 2)1211 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Rebirth, Karma and Heaven (Part 2) (46 mins)44444
(7 votes)
25_Track_25.mp3FARE-YE-WELL1285 viewsMy fond young wife, oh fare-ye-well,
I leave your side to come again,
A sage of sages, king of kings,
This holy hour tho’full of pain.

This palace vast is small to me,
I cannot breathe nor lie at rest,
The vaster world bids me to leave,
This vanity for what is best.

So fare thee well, my only son,
Reclining in the mother’s arms,
I go to build the realm of truth,
Hence leave I all with folded palms.

And mount my horse, and fly thro’s Time,
To conquer pain and birth and death,
To find a way to reach that bliss,
I leave behind this passing wealth!
(repeat the first verse)
(7 votes)
13_Track_13.mp3RIGHT ACTION1524 viewsFirm in our purpose we have act,
Our feet in Wisdom’s Way;
Nor shall the transient things of earth,
Our resolution sway.

We spurn the lure of fame or gold,
The lust for things of sense;
And find purity and peace,
Our ample recompense.

Unselfish love to all that live,
Our lives shall manifest;
In thought, in word, in action show,
Its inspiration blest.

Though steep and toilsome be the path,
We shall but strive the more;
Nirvana’s holy realm to gain,
And peace forevermore.
(7 votes)
Changing_the_Mind.mp3Changing the Mind2699 viewsChanging the Mind Broadcast Live at Women at Wisdom Lectures, San Francisco, CA September 3, 2002

"Human happiness and human satisfaction must ultimately come from within oneself." -- His Holiness Dalai Lama.
(11 votes)
26_Track_26.mp3SONG OF THE PILGRIM1449 viewsNo sentient life in all the worlds,
Will ever cease to be,
Unending all as Thou and I,
Though forms change constantly,
Then life imprisoned in the earth,
May bloom as lovely flower,
So all evolve a fairer birth,

Remembering always “Buddha Thou art”
The path will lighter grow,
The Buddha seed within our heart,
Will guide to those who know.

On through the endless eons of time,
Through forms from stone to man,
All beings to perfection climb,
Such is the faultless plan.
Perfected man the masters are,
And we shall also climb,
To starry heights in worlds afar,
And know the Truth sublime.

(6 votes)
331 files on 34 page(s) 9

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